Translation of the song Svedok artist Beogradski Sindikat



English translation


‘Teo bi svaki da ima zivot ovaki,

Every guy would want to have life like this

da bude kriminalac, Porse, Kavasaki.

to be criminal, to have a Porsche, a Kawasaki

Ovo pravi je gangsteraj, opusti se i pevaj,

This is a real gang hood, just relax and sing

odrast’o na ulici, gde je vazda bio belaj.

I grew up on the streets, where has always been a mess

Poc’o sam u Svabiji — selidbe, moleraj,

I started in Germany - moving, painting(1)

„baustel” sa Turcima, kuntao sa Kurdima.

Baustel(2) with Turks, slept with Kurds(3)

Dos’o sam iz Pickovca kog nema ni na mapi,

I came form pussy land(4) that can't be found on the map

na Zapadu naucio sta je zivot pravi.

on the west I've learned what's the real life

Ovde sam se slifovao, ispek’o sam zanat,

I've honed myself here, I've baked the craft

rekao sam sebi: Ma uspecu ja garant.

I told myself: I will succeed for sure

Nas’o bolju sljaku, malo radio „na kvaku”,

Found a better job, worked on the door knob(5)

nisam bir’o klijentelu, prim’o svaku stranku.

I wasn't choosing clients, accepted every party

Gilipteri me navukli, kad sam otis’o za Frankfurt,

Geliebter(6) pulled me in, when I went to Frankfurt

da s’ carapom na glavi vozim ih u banku.

to drive them into the bank with a sock on my head

Tu sam malo odrobi’o, jebiga, klinac sam bio,

I served some time there, fuck it, I was a kid

iznabad’o svakog ko bi me proziv’o.

stabbed anyone who would fuck with me

To sam radio za primer, da stekao bi’ ime,

I did that for example, to become someone

jer rekli su mi stariji da tako to ide.

because I heard from the older that that's how it goes

Kad izas’o sam „vani” iz Sluzbe su me zvali,

When i got out, from Service(7) I was called

da obavim neki poslic, novi pasos su mi dali.

to do some small work, they gave me new passport

Ja gledam moja slika, ali pise drugo ime.

It had my picture but the name wasn't mine

Nista nisu rekli samo gde treba da idem.

They said nothing, just where to go

Iz Hamburga sam trajektom otis’o za Stokholm,

From Hamburg with ferry to Stockholm

Cetnike i Ustase — sve sam ih izrok’o.

Chetniks and ustashes(8) - killed all of them

Rekli mi: Zadrzi sve ono sto si pokr’o.

They told me: keep everything you had stolen

Nocu diskoteke, trosio sam mnogo.

At night discos, I was spending a lot

Skupilo se drustvo, svi iz bivse Juge,

The crew gathered, all from ex-Yu

tamo besneo je rat, a mi svi zlatne cuke.

the war was raging there, and we all were golden heads

Tad’ se raspala i Sluzba, ali ne i nasa druzba,

Then also the Service fell apart, but not our crew

tamo dole sankcije, a nama ovde zurka.

Down there sanctions, and to us here is a party



Svi znaju ko sam ja, da sam dosao sa dna,

Everyone knows who I am, that I came from from the bottom,

i zato grabim sve sto mogu, jer mi pripada.

and so I grab everything I can, because it belongs to me

Ma znaju ko sam ja, Sluzba, Vojska, Murija,

yea, they all know who I am, Service, Military, Police

i zato grabim sve sto mogu, jer mi pripada.

so I grab everything I can, because it belongs to me

Presli „via Zürich” sve do Azurne obale,

We crossed via Zürich” all to Azure shore

„Kartijeove” zlatare mnogo nam se dopale.

Cartier jewelries , we liked them a lot

Za oko su nam zapale prebogate strankinje,

Rich foreign women fell into our eyes(9)

sve su redom htele da probaju muskarcine.

They all wanted to try out the macho guys

Mi svi mladi, sportisti, tetovaze, oziljci,

All of us young, sportsmen, tattoos, scars

duge kose nosili, nismo im oprostili.

long hairs they had, we didn't forgive them

Posle ih orobili pa za franke podvodili,

We robbed them later and for franks we pimped them

sve smo redom drzali, ne pitaj me rođeni.

we kept them all, don't ask me bro'

I da ne verujes, tako mi u Ricu nešto klopali,

And you wouldn't believe, we were eating something in Ric

usred zalogaja zvonim, umalo da se zadavim.

In the middle of the bite my phone rang, I almost choked

Vidim +381, mozda majka me treba,

I see +381(10), maybe my mother needs me

il’ neko od mojih sa sela, ko me zove u sred jela?

Or someone from my family from the country, who calls me in the middle of the meal?

Kad neki nepoznat glas kaze: Znas ti ko je ovde,

But some unknown voice says: Do you know who is this

ti se tu zajebavas, dok se nasi ovde bore,

You're fucking around there, while ours are fighting here

brzo pakuj torbe, jos sutra da si ovde,

Pack your bags at once, and be here tomorrow

nemoj da nam vrdas, da ne pravimo problem.

Don't try to run away from us, and we won't make a problem

Znao sam ja ko je, spakov’o se brze bolje,

I knew who it was, packed my bags as fast as possible

ma ima 15 godina da nisam bio dole.

it was a 15 years since I've been there

Taman sam se ponadao da videcu moje,

I really hoped to see my family

kad ono malo morgen, eto mene u sred Bosne.

But that didn't happen, I was in the middle of Bosnia

Sa cinom i ekipom, blindiranim dzipom,

With a rank and my crew, and armed Jeep

sve po naredjenju, ja nista nisam pit’o.

Everything like it was ordered, I didn't ask anything

Nista nisam pip’o, sem malo bele tehnike,

I didn't touch anything, just some white technology

kojekakvih kuraca smo trpali na slepere.

all kinds of crap we put in the trucks

Kad sam dos’o u Beograd sve sam mrko gled’o,

When I arrived in Belgrade I looked at everyone with despise

sve te gradske mangupcice za cas sam poredj’o.

All those idiots from town, I have put them in order

Hohstaplercice i sline, sto tu mi nesto glume,

punks and slime(reffering to people), that are acting smart around

a moze vrana sa zemlje u dupe da im kljune.

and a crow from ground can peck them in the ass

I nije bilo tesko da sve im lepo uzmem,

And it wasn't hard to take everything from them smoothly,

takav je moj zivot, ja drugacije ne umem.

that's the life, I'm not able to do it differently



I ceo grad me zna, kao da sam s’ asfalta,

And the whole city knows me

i neka misle svi da teska sam seljacina.

And let them think I'm a hardcore peasant

Jer ceo grad me zna, pevaljka, manekenka,

Because the whole city knows me, a (girl) singer, a model

i svaka kaze da sam ljakse, al’ mi ipak da.

And each one of them thinks I'm a peasant(11), but they all give me (sex)

Ovaj grad i zemlju ja nikad nisam voleo,

This town and city I've never loved

ovde sam ziveo samo zato sto sam morao.

I lived here only because I had to

Ovde sve je na prodaju, e vidis to mi se dopalo,

Here is everything for sale, you see, that's what I liked

za bas male pare kupis sve ono što je propalo.

for really small amount of money you buy everything that failed

I firme i ljude, stek’o sam i ugled,

Companies and people, I gained reputation

prijemi, parade, kokteli, ambasade.

receptions, parades, cocktails, embassies.

Placao sam stranke, i ovakve i onakve,

I've payed for parties, these and those

bilborde, reklame, turneje, kampanje.

billboards, advertisements, tours, campaigns

Pevale mi razne, one estradne i gradske,

All sort of girls sang to me, folk and estrade music(12)

sto misle da sam ljakse, al’ za kintu sve rade.

and all of them think I'm a peasant, but for the money they would do anything

Sazidao par crkava da malo smirim savest,

I built a few churches calm my conscience

posle svega sto sam prosao nocu tesko zaspim.

after all I've been trough I sleep hard at night

A preko dana naspem, tu i tamo i povucem,

And during the daytime, I pour a bit,here and there I inhale some drugs

samo malo da se sredim, nisam ja navucen.

Just to get myself together a bit, I'm not a junkie

Nego svasta cujem, i sta treba i sta ne treba,

Anyway, I hear all sorts of thing, once I should and once I shouldn't

kriminal i politika, e u tome ti je nevolja.

criminal and politics, and that's the trouble

Ove sto sam izdrzav’o, sad im postalo malo,

Those I supported, it wasn't enough for them

a mnogo ih je plasilo sto o njima sve sam znao.

and it scared them a lot what I knew about them

Pokrenula se istraga o mome poslovanju,

There was an investigation about my business

trazili me, al’ me nisu nasli na imanju.

they searched for me, but they didn't find my on my estate

Ja ih nisam cek’o, al’ nisam otis’o daleko,

I didn't wait for them, but I didn't went too far

vec dole na primorje, gde ruka ruku miluje.

just down on the coast, where I scratch your back and you scratch mine

Tu nema ekstradicije, il’ kako se to kaze,

there isn't any extradition, or whatever it's called

ovde sam slobodan k’o galeb, mogu do sutra da me traze.

here I'm free as a seagull, they can search me as much as they want to

I tako, ja i moji jataci sedeli na obali,

And so, me and my pals were sitting on the coast

smejali se, pricali, neke jastoge klopali,

laughing, talking, and eating some lobsters

i da ne verujes rodjeni, ponovo zvoni mi mobilni,

and you wouldn't believe it man, my phone rang again

stari dobri glas sto me godinama progoni.

good old voice that's been haunting me for years

Kaze: Opet smo te pronasli, od nas neces pobeci,

It says: We found you again, you won't run away from us

biraj sta ti draze, saradnik il’ pokojnik?

choose what you like better, associate or deceased?

Presece me zivog, ovo nisam ocekiv’o,

It scared the crap out of me, I didn't expect that

nije bilo lako da napravim izbor.

it wasn't an easy choice

Al’ jbg sta ces svakom svoje dupe milo,

But, what can you do, everybody looks up on his own ass

spakov’o se,klisnuo,na sudu sve sam priznao,

I got by bags packed, left, and admitted everything on the court

i stare drugare,sve sam redom izdao,

and old pals, I betrayed them all

ocekiv’o najgore,da ovaj put sam riknuo,

expected the worse, that this time I'm dead

al ponovo me zivot na srecu iznenadio,

but luckily, my life surprised me again

desilo se ono,cemu nisam se ni nadao,

the unexpected happened

cista proslost,cista savest,nemam zasto da se kajem,

clean past, clean conscience, nothing to regret about

dobro je da ovde ljudi stvarno slabo pamte,

it's good that people don't memorize things well here

Imam novi ugovor,i nekim drugima sad dajem,

I got a new contract, and I'm giving to some other people now

i kol’ko vidim rodjeni,jos dugo cu da trajem.

and as I can see now man, I'll last for a long time

I svako dete zna,ceo svet pod nogama,

And every kid knows, whole world under the feet

a ti se pitas kako,sta si duso mislila,

and you're asking yourself, what did you meant honey,

i svako dete zna,ceo svet pod nogama,

and every kid knows, whole world under the feet

a ja se pitam,kol’ko kosta Srbija??

and I'm asking myself, how much Serbia costs?

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