Znam da mnogo trazim, al' ajde probaj, stani,
I know you're looking for much but try to stop
samo na trenutak oko sebe pogled baci.
For just a moment look around
Zivimo zivote k'o na fabrickoj traci,
We live our lives like we're a factory's trash
dok nas neko sortira, drzi nas u saci,
While somebody sorts us, keeps us going
bira da l' smo dobri ili skartira i baci,
Chooses if we're good or bad and throws us away
a mi slusamo instrukcije k'o glasove ludaci.
And we listen to the instructions of the crazy voices
Prepusteni struji kao camac na oluji,
Powerless like boats in the storm
i niko da se seti cemu kormilo sluzi.
And no one to remember how to drive it
Niko da se seti da misli svojom glavom,
Nobody remembers to think with his head
pustamo program da nam kaze sta je stvarno.
We let the programs tell us what's going on
Buljimo u ekran da bi upoznali nekog,
We're looking at a screen to get to know someone
preko puta sedimo, a tako smo daleko.
We sit across the street, and we're so far away
Reci gube smisao, ponavljaju se fraze,
Repeated phrases lose their sense
koriste se one koje najbolje prolaze.
The best ones are used again and again
Niko se ne trudi da nesto novo kaze,
No one is trying to say something new
svima je lakse da ostanu sa strane.
It's easier for everyone to stay away
Aj' izadji malo napolje, tamo gde je akcija,
Let's go out for a while, where there's action
da vidis stvarnost van novinskih redakcija,
To see the reality outside of newspaper articles
da cujes, iz prve ruke, kako stoje stvari,
To hear firsthand how things are
pa da vratimo se nazad vrednostima starim.
So let's go back to the old ideals
Ako treba -- tu sam ja, malo maste -- tu sam ja!
If I'm needed -- I am here, a little imagination -- I am here
Ako mislis da je kasno i kad stanes -- tu sam ja!
If you think it's late and when it's over -- I am here
Ako zele da te vrate, i kad se laze -- tu sam ja!
If they want to get you back and they're lying -- I am here
I kad napolju sve stane -- tu cu opet biti ja!
And when everything stops -- I'll be there again
Ako treba -- tu sam ja, malo maste -- tu sam ja!
If I'm needed -- I am here, a little imagination -- I am here
Ako promene te plase i kad padnes -- tu sam ja!
If you think it's late and when it's over -- I am here
Ako zele da te vrate, i kad se laze -- tu sam ja!
If they want to get you back and they're lying -- I am here
Dok ne zalecimo rane -- tu cu uvek biti ja!
Until the wounds are closed -- I'll always be there
Ja sam peti element ove muzike, pojacaj zvucnike,
I'm the fifth element of music, turn up the speakers
izadji iz ljusture, pusti zvuk da s' tobom putuje.
Come out of the closet, let the sound come with you
Probaj opet da se butujes, jer sistem ti je unisten.
Try to bother (them) again, because the system is destroyed
Zivot je umisljen, al' ja mogu da regulisem.
Life is complex but I can regulate
Oseti puls ludnice, ne plasi se, trgni se,
Feel the madman's pulse, don't be afraid, get up
dugo vremena si proveo na debljem kraju uzice.
You spent a lot of time at the edge of the cliff
Zaboravi sapunice i nabacene udice,
Forget the soap operas and the hooks
dokazi da si kralj, da posedujes ulice.
To own the streets is the evidence you're the king
Suzne oci poglede su suzile, mnoge su zbunile,
Suspicious eyes narrowed their view, many are confused
reci nekog sudije zbog kojeg masta umire.
Tell a judge about it before he dies
Mozak je programiran da upija instrukcije,
Our brain is programmed to get instructed
lazi su melem za umrtvljene funkcije.
Their lies are balm for deadened functions
Al' stizu nove frakcije, revolucija na traci je,
There are new factions, a revolution on the tape
DJafe Selasije brani dusu nacije.
DJafe Selasije defends the soul of the nation
Za sve propustene akcije i stanje hibernacije,
For all the lost ideals and the state of hibernation
donosi vam sate prave „mentalne redakcije.
Brings you the right mental editorials
Budi strpljiv, prati me, samo bez panike
Be patient, follow me, without panic
izadji bolje napolje i obuci brze patike,
Go out there get out of your shoes faster
da podelimo zalihe vrednosti pravih,
To share the inventory of truth
jer vreme leti brzo, a lose su nam navike.
Because time flies fast and out habits are bad
Ako treba -- tu sam ja, malo maste -- tu sam ja!
If I'm needed -- I am here, a little imagination -- I am here
Ako mislis da je kasno i kad stanes -- tu sam ja!
If you think it's late and when it's over -- I am here
Ako zele da te vrate, i kad se laze -- tu sam ja!
If they want to get you back and they're lying -- I am here
I kad napolju sve stane -- tu cu opet biti ja!
And when everything stops -- I'll be there again
Ako treba -- tu sam ja, malo maste -- tu sam ja!
If I'm needed -- I am here, a little imagination -- I am here
Ako promene te plase i kad padnes -- tu sam ja!
If you think it's late and when it's over -- I am here
Ako zele da te vrate, i kad se laze -- tu sam ja!
If they want to get you back and they're lying -- I am here
Dok ne zalecimo rane -- tu cu uvek biti ja!
Until the wounds are closed -- I'll always be there