Einn dróttin hefk áttan,
Only one lord have I had
jǫfurr dýrr, an þik fyrra;
before you, dear monarch;
bellir, bragningr, elli;
foregone times take their toll, hero;
biðkat mér ins þriðja.
I won’t ask to see a third one.
Trúr vask tyggja dýrum;
I was true to the worthy;
tveim skjǫldum lékk aldri;
I never played on both sides of the fence;
fyllik flokk þinn, stillir;
I’m completing your poem, my king;
fellr á hendr mér elli.
the weight of years is falling upon me.
Ullr, of alla, ímunlauks, á hauka fjǫllum.
Always in your hands, warrior.