Translation of the song Esta vida tuya y mía artist Kany García


Esta vida tuya y mía

English translation

This life that is yours and mine

Fue tan real

It was so real

Fue casi el abismo, pude caer

It was almost like an abyss, I could have fallen

Cambiar mi destino, jugarme las cartas

To change my destiny, to play my cards

Caer en tu embrujo

To fall under your spell

Pensar que pudimos ser uno

To think we could have become one

Pude un día leerte la mirada

One day, I could read your gaze

Y detrás de los disfraces se encontraba allí tu alma

And behind all the disguises, there was your soul

Esperando algún te quiero

It was waiting for an 'I love you'

Mendigando una caricia

Begging for a caress

Deseando ser la vida de mi vida

Wishing to become the life of my life

Y quise creer

And I wanted to believe



Esta vida tuya y mía

This life that is yours and mine

Fue tan perfecta en este cuento en mi cabeza

It was so perfect in the fairytale inside my head

Pensándote capaz de tener fuerza

I believed you would have the strength

Para salir de donde estabas

To come out from where you were

Y mostrar por fin tus alas

And to finally show your wings

Esta vida tuya y mía

This life that is yours and mine

Ha sido clara del inicio hasta estas letras

It has been clear from the beginning until these lyrics

Yo siempre dije una oración completa

I always spoke in complete sentences

En cambio tu me diste de tu vida solo una versión

But you only gave me one version of your life

Por mi pensar no lo vi difícil

I thought it wouldn't be difficult

Poder contar donde iban mis pasos

To be able to tell where my steps were going

Te di algún secreto, soñando en silencio

I told you some secrets while silently dreaming of

Ser cómplice de tus adentros

Being the accomplice of your inner thoughts

Mientras terminaba cada día

As each day ended

Me quedaba con historias incompletas

I was left with only incomplete stories

Te faltaba siempre algún ingrediente a tu receta

Your recipe was always lacking the ingredient

Era aquel que la volviera más honesta

That will turn it more honest



Y yo no sé explicarte tampoco mentirte

I don't know how to explain it nor how to lie to you

Ya se ha roto todo aquel efecto que me daba

It's already broken, the sensation I felt while

El soñar con tu llamada

Dreaming about your phone calls,

De dormir junto a tu almohada

While dreaming about sleeping next to your pillow



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