Translation of the song I artist Taeyeon

Korean, English


English translation


빛을 쏟는 Sky 그 아래 선 아이 I

The light-pouring Sky under it ,it's the child I

꿈꾸듯이 Fly My Life is a Beauty

like I'm dreaming Fly My Life is a Beauty

어디서 많이 들어본 이야기

a story I have heard from somewhere a lot of times

미운 오리와 백조 또 날기 전의 나비

the ugly duckling and the swan,as well as the butterfly before it flies

사람들은 몰라 너의 날개를 못 봐

people don't know ,they can't see your wings

네가 만난 세계라는 건

this world you met

잔인할지도 몰라 But strong girl

I don't know it might be cruel But strong girl

you know you were born to fly

you know you were born to fly

네가 흘린 눈물

the tears you shed

네가 느낀 고통은 다

the pain you felt,all of them

더 높이 날아오를 날을 위한

they just prepare you for the sake of

준비일 뿐 Butterfly

the day you'll fly higher Butterfly

Everybody’s gonna see it soon

Everybody’s gonna see it soon

빛을 쏟는 Sky 그 아래 선 아이 I

The light-pouring Sky under it ,it's the child I

꿈꾸듯이 Fly My Life is a Beauty

like I'm dreaming Fly My Life is a Beauty

잊었던 꿈 내 맘 또 그려내

My heart yearns for the dream I forgot

움츠렸던 시간 모두 모아 다 삼켜내

the time that shrank,I gather it all and swallow it

작은 기억 하나 둘씩 날 깨워가

the little memories,one by one they wake me up

세상 가득 채울 만큼 나를 펼쳐가

they stretch me enough to fill they world

길고 긴 밤을 지나

The long-long night passes

다시 Trip 길을 떠나볼래

I want to go again for a trip

Why not 이 세상에

Why not in this world

내 맘을 깨워 주는 한마디

this one world that can wake my heart

혼자였던 Yesterday

The yesterday that was alone

셀 수 없는 시선에

in the countless eyes

떨어지는 눈물로

with dropping tears

하루를 또 견디고

I endure another day

아슬했던 Yesterday

The breath-taking yesterday

쏟아지던 말들에

in the spilling words

흔들리는 나를 또 감싸고

embraces the shaking me again

빛을 쏟는 Sky 그 아래 선 아이 I

The light-pouring Sky under it ,it's the child I

꿈꾸듯이 Fly My Life is a Beauty

like I'm dreaming Fly My Life is a Beauty

My Life is a Beauty

My Life is a Beauty

꽃잎은 저물고 힘겨웠던 난

The petals draw in,I had difficulties

작은 빛을 따라서

to follow the little light

아득했던 날 저 멀리 보내고

they sent the distant me far away and

찬란하게 날아가

I fly brilliantly

빛을 쏟는 Sky 새로워진 Eyes

The light-pouring Sky Fresh Eyes

새로워진 Eyes 저 멀리로 Fly

Fresh Eyes far away Fly

Fly High Fly High

Fly High Fly High

난 나만의 Beauty

I am my only Beauty

눈 감은 순간 시간은 멈춰가

The moment I close my eyes,time stops

난 다시 떠올라

I recall again

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