Translation of the song Ахматовой artist Marina Tsvetayeva
To Akhmatova (Rhyming)
Кем полосынька твоя
Who will reap at harvest-time
Нынче выжнется?
Little crops you grew?
Чернокосынька моя!
Oh, you black-haired witch of mine,
Black magician, you!
Дни полночные твои,
Oh, this age of much ado,
Век твой таборный...
Oh, those night-owl days...
Все работнички твои
Don't look for your minions now --
Разом забраны.
They've been snatched away.
Где сподручники твои,
Where are all your mates today,
Те сподвижнички?
Friends that were so true?
Белорученька моя,
Oh, you lovely white-armed dame,
Black magician, you!
Не загладить тех могил
There's no quittance for those graves;
Слезой, славою.
Vain are tears and praise.
Один заживо ходил —
Like a corpse, one walked alive;
Как удавленный.
Numbered were his days.
Другой к стеночке пошел
One more went up to a wall
Искать прибыли.
Seeking great returns.
(И гордец же был-сокол!)
(Pride does come before a fall!)
Разом выбыли.
Oh, they both got burned.
Высоко твои братья!
Glory to your brothers, yes!
Не докличешься!
They cannot hear you!
Яснооконька моя,
Oh, you clear-eyed sorceress!
Black magician, you!
А из тучи-то (хвала —
And from heaven some then saw --
Диво дивное!)
(Wonder from above!)
Соколиная стрела,
-- One great falcon arrow fall
And one from a dove...
Знать, в два перышка тебе
Yes, it seems they write to you
Пишут тамотка,
With two quills at once,
Знать, уж в скорости тебе
And you'll be receiving, soon,
Выйдет грамотка:
Record of your cause:
— Будет крылышки трепать
And upon the cobblestones
О булыжники!
Wings will flutter too!
Чернокрылонька моя!
Oh, black-winged witch of mine,
Black magician, you!