Translation of the song Legend of Mermaid artist Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch (OST)
Legend of Mermaid
Legend of the Mermaid
7色の風に吹かれて 遠い岬を目指してた
Blown by a wind of seven colours
夜明け前 聴こえたメロディ
I was aiming for the faraway peak of the plateau
それは とても なつかしい歌
The melody I heard before the dawn was a nostalgic song
東の空へと 羽ばたく鳥たち
Those birds flying towards the eastern sky
さあ、宝島に 抜ける近道
well , they're taking a shortcut to a treasure island
The paradise of the Seven Seas
嵐の夜の後には 愛を伝えるため 命がまた生まれる
our lives will be reborn so I can communicate my love after the night of the storm
A melody of seven lands
誰もが いつかはここを 旅立つ日が来ても
Even if the day would come when no one else travles here
私は 忘れない
I will not forget about [the melody]
ゆっくりと 雲は流れて 虹の果てに 消えていった
The clouds slowly fade away for a rainbow to appear
星たちは 真珠のように
The stars are like pearls
強い光 放ちはじめる
beginning to release a strong light
南の空から 聴こえる口笛
I can hear a whistling comming from the southern skies
そう、大人になる 時が来ていた
Thats right! The time for me to growup has come
An adventure to go around a miracle
優しい母の願いを 胸に抱きながら 誰もが旅をしてる
We all go on a journy while embracing our kind mother's wishes in our hearts
A fantasy of a night with falling stars
あふれる涙と祈り 誰にもわからない
Overflowing tears with a prayer
Illuminates a futrue unknown to us all
The paradise of the Seven Seas
嵐の夜の後には 愛を伝えるため 命がまた生まれる
our lives will be reborn so I can communicate my love after the night of the storm
A melody of seven lands
誰もが いつかはここを 旅立つ日が来ても
Even if the day would come when no one else travels here
私は 忘れない
I will not forget about [the melody]
An adventure to go around a miracle
優しい母の願いを 胸に抱きながら 誰もが旅をしてる
We all go on a journy while embracing our kind mother's wishes in our hearts
A fantasy of a night with falling stars
あふれる涙と祈り 誰にもわからない
Overflowing tears with a prayer
Illuminates a futrue unknown to us all