Translation of the song Lijepa želja [Beautiful Wish] artist Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch (OST)
Lijepa želja [Beautiful Wish]
Beautiful wish
Neumorno ja sam tebe tražila,
Restlessly I've searched for you,
I mislila da našla sam
And I thought I did
Ako budem stvarno želela
If I ever truly wish
uvek budna sanjala
always dream awake
Nesto ce da desi se
Something will happen
Uporno sam tebe ja zamisljala
Persistently I imagined you
po mislima se vrtela
roaming around in my mind
Onda slucajno sam shvatila
Then accidentally I realized
da i ti mastas kao ja
that you fantasize like I do
I da nisam nikada uz tebe usamljena
And that I'm never lonely beside you
Tako igra se sudbina
That's how the faith is playing
s nama cesto je upornija
with us often it's more persistent
Prava ljubav je oduve
True love has always
bila ona bolnija
been the more painful one
Nekad dovoljno sasvim je
Sometimes it's quite enough
da u mislima si nekome
to be in someone's thoughts
da tako bar zivis tamo gde je vedrije
to at least live like that where it's more cheerful
Odavno ja sam na tebe mislila
I've been thinking of you for a long time
i mogla sve kad znala bi!
and I could do it all only if knew!
Da ces mene uvek cuvati
That you'll keep me forever
i na mene da ces misliti!
and that you'll think of me!
Da smo ljubav ja i ti o kojoj pricaju svi!
That you and I are the love that everybody is talking about!
Tako igra se sudbina,
That's how the faith is playing
s nama često je upornija
with us often it's more persistent
Prava ljubav je od uvek
True love has always
bila ona bolnija!
been the more painful one!
Nekad dovoljno sasvim je,
Sometimes it's quite enough,
da u mislima si nekome,
to be in someone's thoughts,
da tako bar zivis tamo gde je vedrije!
so at least you can live like that where it's more cheerful!
Ako ostanes
If you stay
od svih drugih daleko znaj,
far from everyone else know,
da uvek imaces moje srce veliko!
that you'll always have my big heart!
Da i tebe uvek mislima milujem
That I caress you in my thoughts
da sam tu snela ja prevare!
that I've dreamed of cheating here!
Tako igra se sudbina,
That's how the faith is playing
s nama cesto je upornija!
with us often it's more persistent
Prava ljubav je oduvek,
True love has always
bila anomalija.
been an anomaly.
Nekad dovoljno sasvim je
Sometimes it's quite enough
da u mislima si nekome!
to be in someone's thoughts!
Tako igra se sudbina,
That's how the faith is playing
s nam cesto je upornija!
with us often it's more persistent
Prava ljubav je oduvek,
True love has always
bila ona bolnija!
been the more painful one!
Da tako bar zivis tamo gde je vedrije!
To at least live like that where it's more cheerful!
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