Translation of the song De când mama m-o făcut artist Subcarpați


De când mama m-o făcut

English translation

Since mother gave birth to me

Adică nu mă pot ridica

You mean I can't get up?

Ştii frate că nu mai sunt frate deloc cu frica

Bro, you know that me and fear are no longer brothers.

Sunt norocos mămica,

I'm lucky, mom,

Tăticul şi bunica

Father and grandmother,

Bunicul şi Georgica

Grandfather and Georgica,

Şi toată Românica

And the entire Romania.

Acum m-auzi cum sună

Can you hear my sound?

Piesa cum răsună

Can you hear the resonating song?

Se adună lumea bună

Good folks are gathering,

Punem soarelui cunună

We're crowning the Sun.

Se adună toţi la masă

Everybody is gathering at the table,

Iese lumea iar din casă

Folks get out from their houses

Îmi fac viaţa mai frumoasă

And I'm living a good life,

Că-i ziua mea norocoasă.

Because it's my lucky day.

De când mama m-o făcut

Since mother gave birth to me,

De când mama m-o făcut

Since mother gave birth to me,

Noroc, Doamne, am avut

God, I was so lucky,

Noroc, Doamne, am avut.

God, I was so lucky.

Ţi-am cerut noroc să-mi dai

I've asked You to give me luck,

Ţi-am cerut noroc să-mi dai

I've asked You to give me luck,

Noroc şi mi-ai zâs că ai

And You've told me that indeed, You have some luck for me,

Noroc şi mi-ai zâs că ai.

And You've told me that indeed, You have some luck for me.

Mama nu m-a făcut un cutărescu,

My mother didn't gave birth to a nobody,

Mă-nţelegi tu

Do you get me?

Mi se zice Afo şi sunt extraterestru

They call me Afro and I'm an alien.

Nu te supăra, zâmbeşte, Ion Iliescu

Don't get mad, smile, Ion Iliescu.

Scriu poezie cosmică ca Eminescu

I'm writing cosmic poetry like Eminescu,

Noroc nu poţi cumpăra

You can't buy luck,

Soro, nu mă supăra

Sister, don't upset me,

Că banii vin din lumea rea

Cuz money come from the bad people,

Şi lumea rea nu e lumea mea

And the bad people are not my people.

Păi foaie verde marţipan

You, green leaf, marchpane,

Eu sunt neam de dobrogean

I'm a dobrogean*,

Dobrogean şi constănţean

Dobrogean and constantean**,

Cu faţă de marţian

With a martian face.

Eu n-am bani, vă am pe voi

I don't have money, I have you,

Când am bani, împart la doi

When I have money, I split it with someone else,

Când apar dispar, pisoi

When I'm showing up I dissapear, you little kitty,

Sunt norocos ca un trifoi, băi.

I'm lucky like a 4 leef clover, yo.

De când mama m-o făcut

Since mother gave birth to me,

De când mama m-o făcut

Since mother gave birth to me,

Noroc, Doamne, am avut

God, I was so lucky,

Noroc, Doamne, am avut.

God, I was so lucky.

Ţi-am cerut noroc să-mi dai

I've asked You to give me luck,

Ţi-am cerut noroc să-mi dai

I've asked You to give me luck,

Noroc şi mi-ai zâs că ai

And You've told me that indeed, You have some luck for me,

Noroc şi mi-ai zâs că aï.

And You've told me that indeed, You have some luck for me.

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