Translation of the song Frunzuliță, iarbă deasă artist Subcarpați


Frunzuliță, iarbă deasă

English translation

Lettuce leaf, grassy den

[Hook: Madalina Paval & Bean]

[Hook: Madalina Paval & Bean]

Frunzulita iarba deasa, frunzulita iarba deasa

Lettuce leaf, grassy den, Lettuce leaf, grassy den

Mandra-i lumea si frumoasa, mandra-i lumea si frumoasa

Proud and beauty the world it is, proud and beauty the world it is

Si iar verde, foi si-o fraga, si iar verde foi si-o fraga

And again green leaves and a wild strawberry, and again green,

Eu cant ca mi-i lumea draga, eu cant ca mi-i lumea draga

leaves and a wild strawberry

[Verse 1: Bean]

V1 Bean

Unii vorbesc de folclor, cica-i unguresc

Some talk about the folklore,apparently it's hungarian

Cica-i pe val, cica e banal

Apparently it's on fire, apparently it's trite/common

Folclorul cica-i prea oriental, e adevarat

The folklore apparently is too oriental, it's true

Mi-am schimbat perceptia despre folclor

I've changed my perception about the folklore

O sa-l iubesc si mai mult pan-am sa mor

I'm gonna' love it even more till' i'm gonna die

Fiindca primim mesaje de la straini

'Cause we receive messages from the strangers

Care nu ne mai asociaza cu hoti de gaini

Who don't associate us anymore with thieves of chicken's

Lumea e frumoasa cand iti faci mandrii fratii

The world is beautiful when you make proud your compatriots

Big Up Subcarpati, aud in metrou intre statii

Big up Subcarpati, i hear in the subway in between the stations

Atentie, usile se deschid!, la fel si perspectiva

Attention the doors are oppening so does the perspective

Nu ne micsoram pentru profit, dimpotriva

We don't become less for the profit, on the contrary

Nume de album am gasit, ne-am ales

Name for the album we did find, we agreed

Fiindca pielea te stie daca ai alt interes

Because Your skin knows if you have other interest

In afara de generatoru' primar, folcloru'

Other than the primary generator the folklore

Nu-l baga in portofel, mai bine inchide sonoru'

Don't put it in your wallet, better shut off the sound

Full house in Cluj, full house in Bucuresti

Full house in Cluj, full house in Bucharest

Full house in Timisoara, speram ca-n toata tara

Full house in Timisoara, we hope(to be) in the whole country

Golanii hartuiesc cand simt miros de cascaval

The punks are harassing when they feel the smell of the

Era normal. In loc sa ma supar, cant la caval


Caramida peste caramida construim o baza

It was natural, instead of gettin' angry, i play on the caval

Romanii si-au reinviat folclorul, lasa

Brick after brick we build a base

Viata este mare, canta fata draga

The Romanian reinvented their folklore, no problem

M-ai facut sa plang, acum fa o tara intreaga

Life is big, sing it dear girl

Bunico, sper ca ma vezi acolo sus unde esti

You made me cry now make the whole country

Ce m-ai invatat am adus si in Bucuresti

Grandma', i hope you see me from up there where you are

[Hook: Madalina Paval]

[Hook: Madalina Paval]

Frunzulita iarba deasa, frunzulita iarba deasa

Lettuce leaf, grassy den, Lettuce leaf, grassy den

Mandra-i lumea si frumoasa, mandra-i lumea si frumoasa

Proud and beauty the world it is, proud and beauty the world it is

[Verse 2: Aforic]


Altii vorbesc de folclor, fiecare cum vor

Others speak of folklore, each how they want

Cica e urban, retro-metropolitan

Apparently it's urban, Retro-metropolitan

Fiecare dupa vorba, dupa neam

Each after their hearings, after their relatives

Da' eu-s constantean

But i'm Constantean

Din clan Traco-Macedonean

From clan of Traco- Macedonean

Ah, acum cu Subcarpati

Ah, now with Subcarpati

Ma iubesc surorile si frati

The (my) brothers and sisters love me

Mama, unde esti sa-mi auzi vocea?

Mom, where are you my voice to hear it !?

Cant muzica pentru viitor din Dobrogea

I sing music for the future, from Dobrogea

Ah, dicolo de bratul Borcea

Ah, past the Borcea

Tot ce am, tot ce fac, original ca Vlaicu Golcea

All i have, all i do, geniune like Vlaicu Golcea

Vibratie pura romaneasca

Pure Romanian Vibration

Sa aiba si copii mei muzica frumoasa

For my kids to also have beautiful music

Eu inginer, bag lei direct pe mic

I the engineer i throw them LEI directly on the microphone

Albumul este gata, haideti cu toti pe cai

The album is ready, come all of you jump on horses

Traiasca taica Bean, traiasca taica Vali

Long life Daddy Bean, Long life daddy Vali

Power pe Vinil, Madalina si cu Andri

Power on the Vinil, Madalina with Andri

Acum sunt fericit ca ies bine concertele

Now i'm happy 'cause the concerts goes well

Si ca ne asculta lumea piesele

And 'cause the world listen our music

Cuvant dupa cuvant, silaba cu silaba

Word after word, syllable with syllable

Daca e rost de beat, nu-i problema ma apuc de scris

If it's about the beat, no problem i go to write

Nu e vreun business sa n-aiba ceva putred

There is no business to not have some wrotten/bad sides

D-aia au fost p-aici, pana acuma, multe

That's why so much things have passed through here till now

D-aia incerc sa ma feresc de ganduri rele

That's why i try to keep me away from evil thoughts

Nu de altceva, dar nu-s invatat cu ele

Nothing else, just i'm not accustomed with them !

[Hook: Madalina Paval]

[Hook: Madalina Paval]

Frunzulita iarba deasa

Lettuce leaf, grassy den

[Verse 3: Vali Umbra]


Decat sa traiesc in genunchi, mai bine mor in picioare

If i'm to live kneeled, i better die on my feet

Pe-al meu drum cimentat cu valuri spirituale

On my cimented road, with spirituals waves

Eu nu sunt cetatean universal, sunt roman

I'm not the universal citizen, I'm Romanian

Si ma stradui cum pot in continuare sa raman

And i still do all i can to remain

Ah, in Subcarpati am radacini

Ah, In subcarpati i have my roots

Am copilarit in Teleorman, parintii mei de-acolo vin

I've grown in Teleorman, the parents are from there

Folclorul nostru nu numai ca e sublim

Our folclore not only that is splendid

Dar imi aduce aminte cine sunt si de unde vin

But it reminds me of who i am and from where i come

Cant in codru mereu, si plangi in lipsa lui

I sing in my greenwood, and you cry in his absence

Foaie lunga, foaie lata, nu e vina banului

Long leaf, wide leaf, it's not the money fault

Ca el ajunge patat, in mana hotilor care

That stained it reach, into the hand of the thieves that

Se folosesc in scop gresit de folclor

Use with the wrong purpose, the folclore

Noi am adunat de la lume sa dam inapoi

We've collected from the world, to give back

Cu asta am crescut, asa-i traditia la noi

That's how we grow up, that's our tradition

Din izvorul nesecat ce ne-a fost oferit

From the inexhaustible fountain that offered us

Am ales cate un cantec si l-am daruit

We've chosen up one song at a time and gifted it

Si fiecare concert e un motiv de sarbatoare

And each concert it's a reason of celebration

La care ne-adunam cu mic si cu mare

At which we gather old and young

Multumesc fratilor, multumesc surorilor

Thank you, my brothers, thank you my sisters!

Mereu ne onorati cu prezenta si cantati in cor

You always honor us with your presence and in chorus you all sing

Asta-i mandria mea, natura mea

That's my pride, that's my nature !

Sunt fericit ca mi s-a dat o sansa sa m-apuc de ea

I'm happy that i've been given an opportunity to get to it

Am sa te pretuiesc, folclor romanesc

I'm gonna cherish you, Romanian folclore/traditions

Caci tu m-ai invatat inca o data sa iubesc

'Cause you've teached me once again to love !!

[Hook: Madalina Paval]

[Hook: Madalina Paval & Bean]

Frunzulita iarba deasa, frunzulita iarba deasa

Lettuce leaf, grassy den, Lettuce leaf, grassy den

Mandra-i lumea si frumoasa, mandra-i lumea si frumoasa

Proud and beauty the world it is, proud and beauty the world it is

Si iar verde, foi si-o fraga, si iar verde foi si-o fraga

And again green leaves and a wild strawberry, and again green,

Eu cant ca mi-i lumea draga, eu cant ca mi-i lumea draga

leaves and a wild strawberry

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