[ ¿Hay alguien allá fuera?
[ Is somebody out there?
Hueyatlán tetecuica auh tlatoa totonametl inmanic
Hueyatlán tetecuica auh tlatoa totonametl inmanic
Que quiere decir « El mar que late y
Which means, The sea that pounds and
habla con la voz del que perdura resplandeciendo».
speaks with the voice of he who prevails while gleaming.
¿Y quiénes son sus habitantes?
And who are the inhabitants of the place?
Son ellos... ¡Míralos! ]
They are... Look at them! ]
Reina, tú. Cliché.
You queen! Cliché.
Bienvenida fortuna de un cowboy glacé.
The welcome luck of a glacé cowboy.
Y están... están paraos, están paraos
And they are... they're standin', they're standin'
Y están... están de pie, en un mundo aparte...
And they are...they're on their feet, in a world apart...
¿Si es duende, quién será?
If he's a magical being, who is he?
¿Vivirá en anónimo deseo?
Could he be living in anonymous desire?
Si es ángel cantará...
If he is an angel, he will sing...
de no ser porque cayó del cielo
Were it not that he fell from grace
¿Si es duende quién será?
If he's a magical being, who is he?
¿Vivirá en anónimo deseo?
Could he be living in anonymous desire?
Si es ángel cantará...
If he is an angel, he will sing...
de no ser porque cayó del cielo
Were it not that he fell from grace
Tacón pintado de carmín. Betún.
Carmine-colored high heel. Shoe polish.
Y un ambiguo dorado. Sin carnet. Debut.
And an ambiguous golden tone. No ID. Debut.
Y están... están paraos, están paraos
And they are... they're standin', they're standin'
Y están... están de pie, en un mundo aparte...
And they are...they're on their feet, in a world apart...
¿Si es duende quién será?
If he's a magical being, who is he?
¿Vivirá en anónimo deseo?
Could he be living in anonymous desire?
Si es ángel cantará...
If he is an angel, he will sing...
de no ser porque cayó del cielo
Were it not that he fell from grace
Noches de melancolía esperando el día.
Melancholic nights, waiting for the day.
Y están, están paraos
And they are, they're standin'
Están paraos, están de pie en un mundo aparte
They are standin', they're on their feet in a world apart...
Si es, ¿quién será?
If he is... who is he?
¿Vivirá en anónimo deseo?
Could he be living in anonymous desire?
Si es ángel cantará
If he is an angel, he will sing
de no ser porque cayó del cielo
Were it not that he fell from grace.
Si es duende...
If he is a magical being...