Desde La Palma surqué los cielos
From La Palma I rode the skies
Con la ilusión de llegar a ti
With the hope of getting to you
Soñé entre nubes con todo aquello
I dreamed between clouds with all that
De un azul para no olvidar
Was unforgettably blue
Vino a mi mente todas las cosas
To my mind came all the things
Que me contaba abuelo de ti
That my grandpa used to tell me about you
Estar tan cerca de todo aquello
To be so close to all that
De tantas cosas para vivir
To so many things to live
Senti de pronto que me envolvía
I suddenly felt that I was enveloped
Un aire nuevo y una sonrisa
By a new air and a smile
Pisaba el suelo que tanto amé
I stepped on the land that I loved so much
Y tan real lo que yo sentia
And what I felt so real
Era tu voz, tu mirada serena
Was your voice, your peaceful gaze
Tu cielo abierto me recibía
Your open sky received me
Y un olor nuevo de piel morena
And a new fragrance of suntan skin
Apacible en el tiempo dama dormida
Gentle throughout time sleeping lady
Hermosa dama del Caribe
Beautiful Caribbean lady
Hace la herida entre dos mares
Makes a break between two seas
No hay poeta que no te vea y no se rinda
There is no poet that won't see you, that won't surrender
A la hermosura de tu gente y de tus calles
To the beauty of your people and your streets
Adormecida y en tu letargo
Sleepy and in your slumber
Sigue soñando con el amor que te sepa dar
Keep dreaming with the love that can be given
Un beso que te despierte y sentirte viva
By a kiss that will awaken you and feel alive
Dejando tu traje gris y poder volar
Leaving your gray suit and be able to fly