Media luna brillará
Half moon will shine.
La navaja acechará
The knife will lurk by.
Ojos bravos de mujer
Brave eyes of woman
¿Qué veneno fue?
What poison it was?
Celo macho África
Male zeal Africa.
Tu abanico se ensangrentará
Your fan will be ensanguined.
A mí sino fiel seré
To me I'll be faithful
¿Qué veneno fue?
What poison it was?
El corazón que Triana va
The heart that to Triana goes,
Nunca volverá
Will never come back.
Con qué pasión te enamorará
With which passion you'll fall in love.
Y te embrujará
And you'll be bewitched.
Sola queda Soledad
Alone is, loneliness.
La guitarra llorará
The guitar will cry.
Sortilegio sobre ti caerá
Spells over you will fall.
Y una lágrima
And a single tear.
Un perfume, flor de azahar
A perfume, orange blossom.
A la hora de la verdad
At the moment of the truth.
Pulso infame temblará
Pulse infamous will tremble.
Pero matará
But will kill.
Y al alba blanca le contaré
And the White Dawn I will tell her,
Lo que yo te amé
How much I loved you.
Bandido ¡ay! muero yo por ti
Bandit, oh! I will die for you.
Tu paloma fui
Your pigeon I was.
Y enloqueceré
And mad I'll go.
Puñales de placer...
Daggers of pleasure...
El corazón que Triana va
The heart that to Triana goes,
Nunca volverá
Will never come back.
Con qué pasión te enamorará
With which passion you'll fall in love.
Y te embrujará
And you'll be bewitched.
Y al alba blanca le contaré
And the White Dawn will tell her,
Lo que yo te amé
How much I loved you.
Bandido ¡ay! muero yo por ti
Bandit, oh! I will die for you.
Tu paloma fui
Your pigeon I was.
Y al alba blanca le contaré
And the White Dawn will tell her,
Lo que yo te amé
How much I loved you.
Bandido ay! muero yo por ti
Bandit, oh! I will die for you.
Tu paloma fui
Your pigeon I was.
De oro y diamantes te descubriré
Of gold and diamonds I'll cover you.
Te seduciré
I'll seduce you.
Como a una reina te trataré
And like a queen I'll take care of you.
Y te adoraré
and I'll worship you.