Translation of the song فصلی بهار artist Naser Abdollahi


فصلی بهار

English translation

The Spring Season

نارِت ز یادُم اُو لحظه ئونی که با تو بودُم

I won't forget the times (moments) I was with you (we were together)

آتش عشقت تو دامن ایزه به تار و پودُم

Your love set fire on my warp and woof (my whole being)

وقتی که تُمدی نگاهت اُمکه عاشقت بودُم

When you came, I looked at you, I was in love with you

تیر نگاهت ایخا تو قلبُم لَرزی وجودُم

Your eyes hit an arrow to my heart and my being started quivering

نارِت ز یادُم اُو لحظه ئونی که با تو بودُم

I won't forget the times we were together

آتش عشقت تو دامن ایزه به تار و پودُم

Your love set fire on my whole being

اَرِم به صحرا مه وا خود تو فصل بهارِن

Let's go to the nature, me with you it is the spring season

اَرِم تو باغون اَکنِم گردش که گلعُزارِن

Let's go and tour the gardens, they are filled with flowers

نارِت ز یادُم اُو لحظه ئونی که با تو بودُم

I won't forget the times we were together

آتش عشقت تو دامن ایزه به تار و پودُم

Your love set fire on my whole being

ای نازنینُم ای مونس دل اُمید جُونُم

Oh my dearest, the companion of my heart, my hope

فصل بهارِن دشت لاله زارن مبَر ز یادُم

It's the spring season, the land is filled with tulips, don't forget me

نارِت ز یادُم اُو لحظه ئونی که با تو بودُم

I won't forget the times we were together

آتش عشقت تو دامن ایزه به تار و پودُم

Your love set fire on my whole being

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