Translation of the song 明日が見えなくて artist Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch (OST)
Unable to see tomorrow
The wish that I raised all by myself
きれいな花を 咲かそうって
shall bloom like a beautiful flower.
夢が叶わないなら あきらめるなら
If my dream cant be granted, and Im going to give up,
ひと粒の種 まいておこう
then at least, let the seed be sown in the ground.
Right now, I just want to quietly sleep
静かに眠りたいの 翼を抱いて
in a translucent wind embraced in wings.
託された運命の 行方探そう
Lets look for the whereabouts of the destiny I was entrusted with.
A swarm of falling petal-like feathers dance down.
As if I was being called out by a mirage,
I came all the way to this place.
ひとりぼっちじゃないと 誰か教えて
Someone please tell me Im not all alone
夢が姿を 消す前に
before the shape of my dream fades away.
Ive been gathering the fragments of my sadness
哀しみのカケラを 拾い集めて
that can be seen reflected in my eyes.
永遠は切なくて 果てしなくて
Eternity is so endless and suffocating.
So much that it sounds like something someone would long for.
愛されたい そばにいてほしい
I want to be loved and for someone to be next to me
だけど明日が 見つからない
But I can't seem to find tomorrow.