Translation of the song Hula Song (Hungarian) artist The Lion King (OST)
Hula Song (Hungarian)
Hula dal
Hogyha éhes vagy és hamar kell a jó falat,
When you're hungry and you need a quick bite of tasty food
Itt a haverom, a torkodon is leszalad,
Here is my pal, he'll slip right down your throat
Pumba húsa jó, finom dagadó,
Pumba's meat is good, he has delicious pork belly1
Ínyenceknek is mértékadó.
It would set a new standard even for gourmands2
Jó pocakba, jap, jap
He's good for the belly, yap, yap
Jó a Pumba, jap, jap
Pumba is good, yap, yap
Ő a Disznó, jap, jap,
He's a pig, yap, yap
Tőle te is az leszel.
He'll make you a pig too3