バラよりも美しく 月よりも悩ましく
More beautiful than a rose, more seductive than the moon,
大切な命ならば この手で咲かせたい
If it's that precious a life, I would want to let it bloom in my hands.
暗黒の世界 扉が今開かれるよ
The door to the world of darkness now can be opened.
もう一度 運命預けて 生まれ変わるさ
One more time, I'll leave it to fate, and be reborn.
そのまぶた閉じて見つめて 真夜中の マスカレード
Close your eyelids, and gaze into the Midnight Masquerade.
今闇にすべり落ちて行く さあおいで! 怯えなくていいよ
Slipping into the darkness, now, come! You don't have to be afraid.
And then you will become eternity.
妖しげに揺らぐ風 くぐり抜けた瞬間
Once you pass through the blowing wind with doubts
純情な愛情など 忘れさせてあげる
I'll let you forget pure love.
暗黒の世界 新しい時 刻もう
Let's carve a new time in the world of darkness.
誰かの為 悩んだり 心を痛めなくていい
You don't have to pain your heart as you worry for someone else.
そのまぶた閉じて見つめて 未来から 呼ぶ声が
Close your eyelids, and gaze into the voice that calls you
今闇にすべり落ちて行く 教えてる 翼につかまって
Slipping into the darkness, now, grab onto the wings I told you about.
Surely, you will become eternity.
Close your eyelids, and gaze
Slipping into the darkness, now.
そのまぶた閉じて見つめて 心ごと 奪い去れ
lose your eyelids, and gaze at me, I'll steal what's in your heart.
今闇にすべり落ちて行く 謎めいた 夜更けにくちづけを
Slipping into the darkness, now, I'll give you a kiss in the late-night wrapped in mystery.
And then you will become eternity.
Close your eyelids, and gaze
Slipping into the darkness, now.
Close your eyelids, and gaze
Slipping into the darkness, now.