Translation of the song 黒の協奏曲(コンチェルト) artist Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch (OST)
Concert of Darkness ~Concerto~
Voice In the Dark!
Voice In the Dark!
The folia1of darkness
Steal the bonds of pearls!
Voice In the Dark!
Voice In the Dark!
さあ!はじまる 美しく華麗なショウ
Now! The beautiful, magnificant show starts
Voice In the Dark!
Voice In the Dark!
Carried by this song,
こだまする 闇の音色(ちから)
The power of darkness echoes
平和なんて 幻
Harmony is nothing but an illusion,
A deception without a mirror reflection
波の糸を からませたら 引き潮になる
If it'd get entangled in thread of waves, it would come to an ebb tide
心にある魔力を イタズラな媚薬に変えて
Turn the charm inside hearts into a wicked aphrodisiac,
弱い者を まどわせてゆくでしょう
And lead astray the weak people
Voice In the Dark!
Voice In the Dark!
黒い波と 奏であう このメロディ
The black waves and the melody we're playing
Voice In the Dark!
Voice In the Dark!
愛を止めて 形なき鎖となれ!
Stop the love and turn it into a formless chain!
渦まく リフレインで…
With this whirling refrain...
Steal the bonds of pearls
Throwing away the feelings
Is a dreaming girl's monologue
叫びなんて 誰にも届かない
No scream will reach anyone
Voice In the Dark!
Voice In the Dark!
さあ!はじまる 美しく華麗なショウ
Now! The beautiful, magnificant show starts
Voice In the Dark!
Voice In the Dark!
Carried by this song,
こだまする 闇の音色(ちから)!
The power of darkness echoes!
愛に守られている シアワセナモノタチ
Happy people protected by love,
「伝わる」と信じている 瞳がまぶしい
Eyes believing in carrying through are too bright
Voice In the Dark!
Voice In the Dark!
黒い波と 奏であう このメロディ
The black waves and the melody we're playing
Voice In the Dark!
Voice In the Dark!
愛を止めて 形なき鎖となれ!
Stop the love and turn it into a formless chain!
Voice In the Dark!
Voice In the Dark!
さあ!はじまる 美しく華麗なショウ
Now! The beautiful, magnificant show starts
Voice In the Dark!
Voice In the Dark!
Carried by this song,
こだまする 闇の音色(ちから)!
The power of darkness echoes!
悲しき 闇の旋律~フォリア~…
The sad folia of darkness...
激しく 強く 熱く…
Violently, powerfully, hotly...
With this whirling refrain...
悲しき 闇の旋律~フォリア~…
The sad folia of darkness...