Zar samo ja igram na posteno
Should I be the only one to play fair
da li sam lud ili glup, ko to zna
Am I mad or foolish, who knows
skoro ce dan, sve je popijeno
Dawn is about to break, everything has been drunk
i ja sam blizu dna
And I'm almost at the bottom as well
Greske su tu da na njima ucis
Mistakes exist for us to learn from
a ja vec padam po stoti put
Yet I'm repeating them for the hundredth time
uvek kafana i nikad kuci
Always the tavern, never going home
jer nije mi usput
As it is not on my way
za tobom jos sam lud
I'm still obsessed with you
Nema, nema tuge kad grme trube
There is no sorrow while the trumpets thunder
al' neku drugu noc na spavanje cu poc'
So I'll go to sleep some other night
i ne dam tudjim usnama da me ljube
And I won't allow another's lips kiss mine
jer shvatio sam to da samo ti si top
For I realise that only you're the only one
Moja pespektiva je losa bila
My perspecitve was not in line
jer lakse mi je sve uz casicu il' dve
For everything seems easier when downing a glass or two
ljubav nije prestala, jos je ziva
Love has not ended, it is still alive
al' kako biti fer kad mnogo zena je
But how can I be honest when there are so many women?
Crna je noc kao kosa tvoja
Black is the night, like your hair
crne su oci k'o sudbina
Black are your eyes, like my fate
a ja za vazduh jos, mila moja
My sweet, I'm still gasping for breath
drzim se zubima
By the skin of my teeth