Translation of the song 新世界交響楽 artist Sayonara Ponytail
New World Symphony
My repetitive daily life suddenly changed color
Even though I’d wished for something just like that to happen…
いざとなると臆病者でした 秘密ね
Now that it really did, I turned into a coward. That’s a secret, okay?
ひとり震えて そしてきみに逢いたくて
I was shaking all alone, wishing I could see you
「ずっと味方だよ」なんて言えたなら ム・テ・キ
Saying things like “We’ll always be friends” will make us unstoppable!
そうさ飛び立つ時だ ふたりで立ち向かい
Now it’s time to leap forward, let’s fight together!
抱えきれない臆病に 突っ張ったって笑っていたい
I want to stand tall and laugh at my clumsy cowardice
One by one, we’ll come together
大きなチカラになるよ 今ね、感じた
And become so strong, that’s what I think, right now
It’s always easy to blame someone else
But if you do that then surely tomorrow will never come…
多分ただの怠け者でした ゴメンね
I’m probably just a lazy person, then… I’m sorry, okay?
もっと遠くへ まだ知らない世界へ
Just a bit further! To a world we don’t yet know
「一緒に行こうよ」なんて言えたなら ス・テ・キ
Saying things like “Let’s go together” would be wonderful!
いまがその時なんだ どうなったってかまわない
Now’s the time, so don’t worry about what will happen
押さえきれない衝動に 言い訳なんて待ってらんない
I won’t rely on excuses for my strong impulses
Where shall we come, and where shall we go?
終わることのない未知の扉 開いた
A door opened up to a never-ending strangeness…
Please grant me the power to protect the person who is important to me…
Wipe away the shining tears and grant me kindness…
そうさ飛び立つ時だ ふたりで立ち向かい
Now it’s time to leap forward, let’s fight together!
抱えきれない臆病に 突っ張ったって笑っていたい
I want to stand tall and laugh at my clumsy cowardice
One by one, we’ll come together
大きなチカラになるよ 今ね、感じた
And become so strong, that’s what I think, right now
きみと行くよ この世界の果てへ
I’m going with you, to the end of this world
そばにいるよ なにがおきても
I’m right here with you, no matter what happens
空の向こうに 眩しい予感がしたから
Far beyond the sky is something beautiful, I think
もう迷わない 心のまま駆け抜けて
I won’t lose my way anymore, and I’ll run forward with my heart as it is!