Translation of the song 虹 artist Sayonara Ponytail
The future in which a clock spins from a flash of lightning
昨日の悩みはフワリ飛んだよ 遠い空
Yesterday’s worries flutter and fly away into the distant sky
きみとわたしの 夢と夢
Your dream and my dream
混じり合えば 未知の数式で虹になる
If they intermingle, unknown mathematical formulas make them become rainbows
宇宙から見れば みんなきっと星屑
If you look from space, everyone is surely stardust
No matter who wins, this earth machine spins
Would you at least like to dance together?
遠い明日より 今 きみを感じたい
Rather than in the distant tomorrow I want to feel you today
Truth and lies grab my hand at the next world’s road
I want to connect with someone through satellite radio waves
きみへの思いをキラリ届ける 流れ星
I send my sparkling thoughts about you through shooting stars
時空を超えて 声と声
Beyond spacetime, voice to voice
響き合えば 多重構造の勇気になる
If they echo together they become the courage of multiple structures
きみの瞳に写る 世界は広すぎて
The world projected in your eyes is too vast
I become lost and the compass spins
For the time being, should we rest a bit?
派手な夢より ただ きみと笑いたい
Rather than a flashy dream I’d just like to laugh with you
Leave far behind the road tied to promises
あぁ 青く光る星のおとぎ話さ
Aah the shining and blue nursery tales of the stars:
You and I were there that day
宇宙から見れば みんなきっと星屑
If you look from space, everyone is surely stardust
No matter who wins, this earth machine spins
Would you at least like to dance together?
遠い明日より 今 きみを感じたい
Rather than in the distant tomorrow I want to feel you today
Truth and lies grab my hand at the next world’s road