Translation of the song Dancing Like Butterfly Wings artist ATEEZ
Dancing Like Butterfly Wings
Dancing Like Butterfly Wings
떨리는 순간 꿈들을 쟁취해
In a trembling moment, get your dreams.
느낄 수 있다면 손을 뻗어 힘껏
If you can feel it, reach out.
나는 가능해 가슴에 떨림을 품고
I can. I measure with a tremor in my heart,
더 가늠해 설렘을 가득 안고
with full of excitement.
We gone lit up
We gone lit up.
누군가에겐 느낄 수 없는
For someone, something that can't feel,
누군가에겐 폭풍 같은 것
for someone, something feels like a storm,
우린 만들 수 있어 something new
we can make it something new.
커져라 let the wind blow
Grow bigger, let the wind blow.
We don’t wanna fall deep down
We don’t wanna fall deep down.
We don’t wanna lose our mind
We don’t wanna lose our mind.
멈추지 않아 그곳에 닿기 전엔
We won't stop until we get there.
떨리던 손은 기억해 ye
Trembling hands remembered
어떻게 날았는지
how it flew.
부서질 듯 크게 움직여 ye
It moved big as if it's going to break, ye.
Dancing like butterfly wings
Dancing like butterfly wings
Oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh
Dancing like butterfly wings
Dancing like butterfly wings
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
모든 걸 가로질러 닿을 때까지
until you reach across everything.
날아라 날아 구름 위로
Fly, fly over the clouds.
검지 손가락 가리킨 곳까지 fly high
Fly high to the point indicated by the index finger.
아직 날갯짓이 좀 어색해 서투른 비행 감각
The wings are still a little awkward. A poor sense of flight
오른쪽 right 더 위로 왼쪽 left 또 위로
To the right, more up, to the left, further up.
어렵게 얻은 날개니깐, 다 비상해 저 위로 ya
They are hard-gained wings, so fly up there. ya
We don’t wanna fall deep down
We don’t wanna fall deep down.
We don’t wanna lose our mind
We don’t wanna lose our mind.
멈추지 않아 그곳에 닿기 전엔
We won't stop until we get there.
떨리던 손은 기억해 Ye
Trembling hands remembered
어떻게 날았는지
how it flew.
부서질 듯 크게 움직여 Ye
It moved big as if it's going to break, ye.
Dancing like butterfly wings
Dancing like butterfly wings
Oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh
Dancing like butterfly wings
Dancing like butterfly wings
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
모든 걸 가로질러 닿을 때까지
Until you reach across everything.
즐겨 우리만의 비행 (OK)
Enjoy our own flight (OK)
춤춰 하늘 배경 stage (Yeah we back)
and dancing on the sky stage. (Yeah we back)
누려 끝없이 infinity
Enjoy infinity.
그 끝에 어떻게 닿을진 몰라 fly high
I don't know how to get to the end of it. Fly high
I just want you to know
I just want you to know.
Oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh
Dancing like butterfly wings
Dancing like butterfly wings
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
그곳에서 우린 널 기다리고 있어
There we are waiting for you.