Translation of the song Light artist ATEEZ
저 멀리 하얗게 일렁이던
In that distant daylight
아련한듯한 불빛은
Vaguely light
움직일 생각이
Want to use your brain
없는 것처럼 저곳에
It's like there's nothing there.
마치 넌 누구냐고 묻는 듯
Finish who you are and ask seemed
깜빡거릴 때면
When you're buzzing,
나도 지그시 눈 감으며
I'm gonna close my eyes, too.
만날 수 있길 기도해
Pray we can meet.
저기 밝은 빛을 따라서
I'm gonna follow the red light over there.
가다 보니 We now two
I look at him We now two
너도 빛나고 있는 날 향해 왔지
You went to the day you were leaving.
지나온 긴 아픔
I've been through a long time.
어두운 것이 따라와도
Dark things follow and even
We gon light up
We gon light up
더 멀리 빛나는 곳을 향해
To the farthest point.
We gonna shine-er
We gonna shine-er
한 걸음씩 점점 가까이
One step closer.
다가가면 갈수록
The closer you get, the better.
확신이 생겨 우린
We have confidence.
원래 하나라고
It's the original one.
너였구나 My Shine light
It was you My Shine light
운명같이 온 True light
Fate, like the whole True light
밤하늘 속 서로를 보던
I saw each other in the night sky.
서로를 바라본 순간
The moment you look at each other
어두운 밤은 걷히고
Dark night is closed
그 안에서 우린 빛나
In it, we leave.
Yeah 밤하늘에 surfing baby
yeah in the night sky surfing baby
눈을 감아도 빛나지 더 왜 이리
Even if you close your eyes, you're leaving. Come on.
타고 따라가서 let me get in
Follow the ride let me get in
어둠을 바라보는 곳
A place to overlook the darkness
더 밝은 저기까지
up to the brighter side
눈뜬 이곳은 꿈속에 만난
This is the spot where I met my
멈추고 싶지 않아
I don't want to stop
이게 꿈꾸던 fantasy
This is a dream like fantasy
숨 쉴 수가 없어
I can't breath
이곳엔 우린 let them in
Here we are let them in
Take a deep breath
Take a deep breath
새로운 dimensional trip
New dimensional trip
알잖아 우린 존재만으로
You know, we only exist
서로를 더 빛나게 해
to make each other brighter
빛나게 해
let it shine
너와 나 지금 마음
You and I have one heart
이대로 조금 더 빛났으면 해
I want it to shine a little bit more like this
한 걸음씩 점점 가까이
One step closer.
다가가면 갈수록
The closer you get, the better.
확신이 생겨 우린
We have confidence.
원래 하나라고
It's the original one.
너였구나 My Shine light
It was you My Shine light
운명같이 온 True light
Fate, like the whole True light
밤하늘 속 서로를 보던
I saw each other in the night sky.
서로를 바라본 순간
The moment you look at each other
어두운 밤은 걷히고
Dark night is closed
그 안에서 우린 빛나
In it, we leave.
저기 빛나는 빛나는
There shining shining
멀리 보이는 저곳을 봐봐
Look out there in the distance
같이 가고 싶다는 듯
I want to go with you
손짓하며 깜빡이고 있어
It's beckoning us and flashing
우리 손을 뻗어 다가가볼까
Let's get out and reach with our hands
혼자가 아니라고
Not alone
너였구나 My Shine light
It was you My Shine light
운명같이 온 True light
Fate, like the whole True light
밤하늘 속 서로를 보던
I saw each other in the night sky.
You are my starlight
You are my starlight
서로를 바라본 순간
The moment you look at each other
어두운 밤은 걷히고
Dark night is closed
그 안에서 우린 빛나
In it, we leave.