Translation of the song Precious (Overture) artist ATEEZ
Precious (Overture)
Precious (Overture)
그 끝에 이미 닿아있지
It’s already at the end
우린 필요해 더 많은 빛이
We need more light
수 없이 다녀갔던 길을 따라
Along the route we’ve been through so many times
새로운 시작 앞에 다시 서 있지
We’re standing in front of a new beginning
Ye 빛이 모여 만든 이 색깔로 하나 되어
Yeah, the lights gathered produce this color
꿈을 좇아 우린 끝 없이 달려
Follow your dreams, We run endlessly
여정 앞에 발을 모아 끝을 향해 hands up
Put your feet together in front of the journey and put your hands up to the end
Hands up
Hands up
My precious, precious
My precious, precious
My precious, precious
My precious, precious
My precious, precious
My precious, precious
My precious, precious
My precious, precious
My precious, precious
My precious, precious
My precious, precious
My precious, precious
My precious, precious
My precious, precious
My precious, precious
My precious, precious
드디어 눈앞에 온 Treasure
At last, we found the Treasure
내 손에 가득 찬 이 Treasure
Our hands are full of Treasure
모두가 누리게 된 Pleasure
Everybody is enjoying the Pleasure
다시 또 찾아야 해 Crazy
We have to find it again it’s Crazy…