Translation of the song Treasure artist ATEEZ
저기 저 반짝이는 Treasure
Twinkling over there, this Treasure
네게로 손짓하네 Treasure
I'm handing to you, this Treasure
모두가 쫓고 있는 Pleasure
Everybody is after this Pleasure
점점 더 눈이 멀어 Crazy
It's blinding you more and more, it's crazy
한 걸음 위로
One step up
I'm desperate
give me some more
Give me some more
위에 또 위로
Up and down again
난 더 원해
I want more
tell me some more
Tell me some more
I want you to ready
I want you to ready
더 이상
No more
don’t waste it no more
Don't waste it no more
Don’t waste it no more
Don't waste it no more
더는 waste it over
Can't waste it over
일단 do
First do
with me something
With me something
지금부터 땅을 헤집어 놓고
From now on I'm going to dig the ground
발 가는 대로 또 가
Go again as you go
Anyway 이 지구는 하나고 또 원
Anyway, this Earth does another circle
도화지에 담아 성공
Success in the papers
pop pop pop
Pop pop pop
Flash pop
Flash pop
내 기사가 정면에 탁탁
My article hits the front page
달달해 녹아 버려
Let's melt everything
2년 뒤에 매스컴을 전부 다다
We're going to be all over the press in 2 years
싹 다 털어가 전부 뺏어가 버려
We're gonna take everything
왜 생각만으로 자꾸 멈춰
Why don't you just stop thinking about it?
함께 발을 맞춰
Let's walk together
And go there
yeah yeah yeah yeah
yeah yeah yeah yeah
멈추지 않아 rush
Don't stop, rush
세상을 뒤집을 듯이
Turning the world upside down
그 누구도 찾지 못한 곳으로
Where no one else found it
My treasure
My treasure
이제 떠나자 저 먼 곳으로
Let's leave far away
우릴 부르는 저 Treasure
It's calling us. the Treasure
어서 떠나자 찾아 떠나자
Let's go quickly, let's found it
Oh every day every night
Oh every day every night
We would be savage ay ay
We would be savage ay ay
우리는 savage ay ay
We are savage ay ay
지도에 새기지
It's on the map
We would be savage
We would be savage
누구도 막지 못해
Nobody can stop us
날 막는다면 no way
To stop aus there's no way
한 걸음 더 더
One more step
조금만 더 더
Just a little more
닿을 듯해 no no no no
I think I can reach it no no no no
한 걸음 더 더
One more step
조금만 더 더
Just a little more
닿을 듯한 그곳을 찾아
Looking for a place we can reach
Final destination
Final destination
바로 여기 right up
right here right up
Imma bling bling
Imma bling bling
내 눈빛이 light up
my eyes light up
난 홀로 걸어가지 않아
I'm not walking alone
무리가 가기에
But in front of the crowd
you think about be my boat
You think about be my boat
매일 난 Back 등에 멘
Every day, on my Back
가방이 안에 걸작들로
I've got a bag full of masterpieces
눈부실 때 Shout up
When it's dazzling, Shout up
왜 생각만으로 자꾸 멈춰
Why don't you just stop thinking about it?
함께 발을 맞춰
Let's walk together
그곳으로 yeah yeah yeah yeah
And go there yeah yeah yeah yeah
멈추지 않아 rush
Don't stop, rush
세상을 뒤집을 듯이
Turning the world upside down
그 누구도 찾지 못한 곳으로
Where no one else found it
My treasure
My treasure
이제 떠나자 저 먼 곳으로
Let's leave far away
우릴 부르는 저 Treasure
It's calling us. the Treasure
어서 떠나자 찾아 떠나자
Let's go quickly, let's found it
Oh every day every night
Oh every day every night
We would be savage ay ay
We would be savage ay ay
우리는 savage ay ay
We are savage ay ay
지도에 새기지
It's on the map
We would be savage
We would be savage
누구도 막지 못해
Nobody can stop us
날 막는다면 no way
To stop aus there's no way
저기 저 반짝이는 별을 줘
Give me that twinkling star over there
손을 뻗어 잡아봐
Hold my hand
꿈속에서 보던 너를 찾아
Finding you in my dreams
계속 우릴 비추는 Starlight
It continues to shine on us Starlight
지금 이 순간 난 너 하나만 원해
Right now, at this moment; I just want you
Times up 시간이 됐어
Times up I can't take it anymore
더 이상은 못 미뤄 왜 날 못 믿어
Why can't you trust me? anything
I don’t give a anything
I don't give a anything
우리 둘이라면 됐지
It's fine with the two of us
완전 준비됐지
I'm all set
let’s get it when you set baam
Let's get it when you set baam
이제 떠나자 저 먼 곳으로
Let's leave far away
우릴 부르는 저 Treasure
It's calling us. the Treasure
어서 떠나자 찾아 떠나자
Let's go quickly, let's found it
Oh every day every night
Oh every day every night
We would be savage ay ay
We would be savage ay ay
우리는 savage ay ay
We are savage ay ay
지도에 새기지
It's on the map
We would be savage
We would be savage
누구도 막지 못해
Nobody can stop us
날 막는다면 no way
To stop aus there's no way