Translation of the song 해적왕 [Pirate King] artist ATEEZ
해적왕 [Pirate King]
Pirate King
Beam me up, beam me up
Beam me up, beam me up
우린 요동치듯 춤춰 Everyday
We're gonna rock Everyday
Ready set get ready set
Ready set get ready set
점점 발을 굴려 아주 뜨겁게
Step on it Very hot
해가 떨어져도 go
Even though the sun falls, go
비틀어 이 판을 get it
The beat and the fans get it
I feel like somebody you get it
I feel like somebody you get it
우주에 닿을 때까지 발을 딛고 sail
Until we reach space On feet, sail
I see future face, zoom
I see future face, zoom
닻이 올랐지 gotta pass yeah
The anchor went up gotta pass yeah
끝없이 항해 I’m ready, come to me til the end
An endless voyage I'm ready, come to me til the end
이제 닻을 올려라 어두운 맘을 걷어라
Now raise the anchor Walk with a dark heart
어디든지 we can go
Anywhere, we can go
우린 뭐든 뭐든 돼 우릴 따라오면 돼
Whatever we are You can follow us
손을 높게 들어
Hold your hand high
너와 나 타는 불빛 아래 찬란한 그곳으로
Under the burning light, you and me In the bright spot
Step 1,2,3 and 1,2,3 Let`s go
Step 1,2,3 and 1,2,3 Let's go
Will you be my friend?
Will you be my friend?
저기 지평선 끝 어딘가 우리 도착지
Somewhere in the horizon is Our destination
한 배를 탈라면 지금
To get a ride Right now
you, you need a pirate king
you, you need a pirate king
주의할 건 없어 그냥 내 동료가 돼주길
There's nothing to worry about Just be my partner
좋아 너랑, 너도
Okay you and me
이리 와 앉아서 준비됨 총소리 bang
Come here, sit down. get ready bang
Time we gon’ get it
Time we gon' get it
Taking our time we gon’ get it
Taking our time we gon' get it
Time we gon’ get it
Time we gon' get it
Taking our time we gon’ get it
Taking our time we gon' get it
하나에 back, 둘하면 head
On one back and after head
바다와 우린 늘 하나야 I got it
The sea and us are always on I got it
You’re head I’m back back
You're head I'm back back
back a race who’s with me
back a race who's with me
어기 어디 여차
When, where, yeah
이제 닻을 올려라 어두운 맘을 걷어라
Now raise the anchor Walk with a dark heart
어디든지 we can go (we can go)
Anywhere, we can go (we can go)
우린 뭐든 뭐든 돼 우릴 따라오면 돼
Whatever we are You can follow us
손을 높게 들어
Hold your hand high
너와 나 타는 불빛 아래 찬란한 그곳으로
Under the burning light, you and me In the bright spot
Step 1,2,3 and 1,2,3 Let`s go
Step 1,2,3 and 1,2,3 Let's go
Will you be my friend?
Will you be my friend?
Um OEO (노를 저어 노를 저어 나가자)
Um OEO (row now, let's get out of here)
세게 불어라
Blow it hard
불어 바람아 더 blow it up
Blow it up, blow it up
Um OEO (노를 저어 노를 저어 나가자)
Um OEO (row now, let's get out of here)
It’s burning up 정상을 향해 turn it up
It's burning up Towards the top, turn it up
어떤 곳도 혼자라면 의미가 없어
Anywhere It doesn't matter if you're alone
내 손을 잡아
Hold my hand
[성/종] 어디든 함께 갈 수 있어
I can go anywhere with you
무엇이 우릴 막아도
What ever stops us,
모두 이겨낼 수 있는 걸
I can get through it all
We can make everything together
We can make everything together
날 놓치지 마라 놓치지 마라 너
Don't miss me Don't miss it, you
더 바짝 붙어라 바짝 붙어라
Stay closer Stay close
날 놓치지 마라 놓치지 마라 너
Don't miss me Don't miss it, you
We can go
We can go
We can go
We can go
We can go
We can go
We can go
We can go