Translation of the song Es pateicos artist Autobuss debesīs
Es pateicos
I thank you
Es dieviem pateicos par to
I thank the Gods
Ka tuvumā tiem lemts man būt
That they are destined to be close to me
Par laiku, ko tie veltī man
For the time, they are dedicating to me
Lai es varētu vēl dzīvot
So that I still could live
Zvaigznēm es pateicos par to
I thank the stars
Ka manas naktis izgaismo
For illuminating my nights
Kāpēc tās dara tâ, es nezinu
Why they are doing like that, I don't know
Bet es tās skaitu
But I'm counting them
Es zinu - maz ir laika dots
I know - little time has given
Vien savus mīļos apmīļot
Just to hug my loved ones
Es pieņemu, kas man tiek dāvināts
I accept what is given to me
Un gaidu rītu
And I wait for the morning
Es zinu - maz ir laika dots
I know - little time has been given
Vien savus mīļos apmīļot
Just to hug my loved ones
Es pieņemu, kas man tiek dāvināts
I accept what is given to me
Un gaidu rītu
And I wait for the morning
Un gaidu rītu
And I wait for the morning
Un gaidu rītu
And I wait for the morning