Translation of the song Ieskaitot protams sajūtu artist Autobuss debesīs
Ieskaitot protams sajūtu
Feelings included, of course
viss ir, nekas nav
There’s everything, there’s nothing.
it nekādu vēl vai jau
There’s neither still nor already.
nebūs nekas, viss būs
There will be nothing; there will be everything,
ieskaitot protams arī mūs
including ourselves, of course.
viņš, viņa, es un tu
Him, her, me and you,
ieskaitot protams sajūtu
feelings included, of course.
mēs, jūs, viņi jeb šie
us, you, them or these
kur mēs esam - uz vai pie?
where are we – on or in?
pirms vai aiz?
Before or after?
zem vai virs?
Under or above?
kas mūs šķiŗ?
Who separates us?
kas neizšķirs?
Who will not separate us?
kāpēc ne?
Why not?
tāpēc, ka rau
Just because
viss ir, nekas nav
There’s everything, there’s nothing.
pirms vai aiz?
Before or after?
zem vai virs?
Under or above?
kas mūs šķiŗ?
Who separates us?
kas neizšķirs?
Who will not separate us?
kāpēc ne?
Why not?
tāpēc, ka rau
Just because
viss ir, nekas nav
There’s everything, there’s nothing .
viss ir, es un tu
There’s everything, me and you,
ieskaitot protams sajūtu
feelings included, of course.
pirms vai aiz?
Before or after?
zem vai virs?
Under or above?
kas mūs šķiŗ?
Who separates us?
kas neizšķirs?
Who will not separate us?
kāpēc ne?
Why not?
tāpēc, ka rau
Just because
viss ir, nekas nav
There’s everything, there’s nothing.