Translation of the song Par To artist Autobuss debesīs
Par To
About That
Mēs runājām par dzīvi, jā, par to,
We are talking about life, yes, about that,
kas šodien paveikts, piepildīts, un vēl,
What's done today, fulfilled, and more,
par to, ko sauc par sapni, jā par to,
About that what's called a dream, yes about that
un beigās pašiem sevis kļuva žēl.
And in the end felt sorry about ourselves
Mēs runājām par naudu un par to,
We are talking about money and about that,
ko gūtu, ja tās vairāk būtu mums,
What we could get, if we had more of it,
un aizrāvušies neievērojām,
And excited we don't notice,
ka debesis virs galvām sāka tumst.
That heaven above our heads is darkening.
Mēs runājām par to, vai viss ir tā,
We are talking about that, if everything is
kā tam ir jābūt. Nolēmām, ka nav.
Like it should be. Decided that it isn't so.
Kāds sacīja: - Viss? Tas ir pārāk maz,
Someone said: - That's it? It's too little,
drīz gulēs tas, kas tagad stāv.
Soon will sleep the one who's standing now.
Viņš runāja par sauli un par to,
He talked about the sun and about that,
ka pāriet mākoņi, bet debess - nē.
How clouds are passing, but skies - no.
Ka Dievs nav ārpus mums, bet iemājo
How God isn't outside us, but lives
ikviena sirdī, katra dvēselē.
In everyone's heart, in everyone's soul.
Mēs neticējām, smīnējām, bet viņš,
We didn't believe, grinned, but he,
kurš bija teicis tā, ne citādāk,
Who has said like that, not differently
drīz piecēlās un, aiziedams no mums,
Soon stood up and walking away from us,
vēl piepilda: - Ir vēls un rīts jau nāk.
Still adds: - It's late and morning is already coming.
... drīz piecēlās un, aiziedams no mums,
...soon stood up and, walking away from us,
vēl piepilda: - Ir vēls un rīts jau nāk.
still fulfills: - It's late and morning is already coming.
Mēs palikām. Ar sevi palikām
We stayed. Stayed with ourselves
šai stundā saliedēti (kā nekā)
In this hour united (somehow)
uz brīdi vienoti, bet sirdī bija tā,
for a moment united, but in heart it was like,
ka drīz, pavisam drīz būs citādāk.
That soon, very soon it will be different.
Mēs neticējām, smīnējām, bet viņš,
We didn't believe, grinned, but he,
kurš bija teicis tā, ne citādāk,
Who has said so, not otherwise
drīz piecēlās un, aiziedams no mums,
Soon stood up and walking away from us,
vēl piepilda: - Ir vēls un rīts jau nāk.
Still adds: - It's late and morning is already coming.
Mēs palikām. Ar sevi palikām
We stayed. Stayed with ourselves
šai stundā saliedēti (kā nekā)
In this hour united (somehow)
uz brīdi vienoti, bet sirdī bija tā,
for a moment united, but in heart it was like,
ka drīz, pavisam drīz būs citādāk.
That soon, very soon it will be different.