Translation of the song Sitiet bungas, mani mīļie artist Autobuss debesīs


Sitiet bungas, mani mīļie

English translation

Bang the drums, my dears

Vai jūs zināt, kas mēs esam?

Do you know, what we are?

Vai jūs zināt, kas ir kas?

Do you know, what is what?

Viss, ko iekārojas dabūt

Everything, we desire,

Galu galā nav nekas

In the end amounts to nothing

Tâ nekas, jums gribas smīnēt

It's alright, you want to smirk

Bet nav laika, saule riet

But there is no time, the sun is setting

Gaiteņos, kur valda gaitas

In corridors, where commune and found rule

Noklaudz durvis un ir ciet

The door bangs and is shut

Sitiet bungas, mani mīļie

Bang the drums, my dears

Sitiet plaukstas, brāļu bars

Clap along, group of brothers

Nakts ir manas tautas diena

The night is the day of my people

Viņas miesa ir mans gars

Her flesh is my spirit

Vai jūs zināt, kas mēs esam?

Do you know, what we are?

Vai jūs zināt, kas ir kas?

Do you know what is what?

Vienu rītu viņa celsies

One morning she will rise

Saulei lecot, vējš būs ass

With the sun rising, the wind will be sharp

Ciets ir cietums nu, bet mīkstums

The prison is hard, but now softness

Un vai zils ir tikai zils

And is blue just blue?

Savos dziļākajos sapņos

In my deepest dreams

Katram nabagam ir pils

Each poor man has a castle

Tur tiek pavēlēts un rīkots

Inside orders are given and organised

Tur tiek kaŗa gājiens posts

There the war match is prepared

Ja ar dievpalīgu veiksies,

If all goes well with god's helper

Dzīrēs pārvērtīsies posts

The destruction will change during the feast

Sitiet bungas, mani mīļie

Bang the drums, my dears

Sitiet plaukstas, brāļu bars

Clap along, group of brothers

Nakts ir manas tautas diena

The night is the day of my people

Viņas miesa ir mans gars

Her flesh is my spirit

Vai jūs zināt, kas mēs esam?

Do you know, what we are?

Vai jūs zināt, kas ir kas?

Do you know what is what?

Vienu rītu viņa celsies

One morning she will rise

Saulei lecot, vējš būs ass

With the sun rising, the wind will be sharp

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