Translation of the song Tev nebija laika artist Autobuss debesīs
Tev nebija laika
You didn't have time
Tev todien nerūpēja vairs
On that day you didn't care anymore
Ko jūtu es, bet žēl
About what I feel, but it's a pity
Tev nebij’ laika bet man bij’
You didn't have time, but I had something to say
Kas neizsacīts vēl
That hadn’t been said
Tev nebij’ laika pateikt sveiks!
You didn't have time to say hi!
Pat tik daudz kâ atā
Not even enough to say bye
Tev nebij’ laika pateikt pat
You even didn't have time to say
Ka vajag tieši tâ
That need exactly like this
Tev nebij’ laika vairs nemaz
You didn't have time at all
Pat tik daudz, cik, ak dievs
Even that much, how, oh God
Lai pavaicātu sev: varbūt
To ask yourself: maybe
Kaut kas var mainīties?
Maybe something can change?
Tev laika bij’ tik vien
You had time only for
Lai aizvērtu aiz sevis durvis
For shutting the door behind yourself
Ne brīdi ilgāk kālab gan
Not a moment longer
Lai redzētu kâ jūtos
To see how I feel
Nu durvis ciet un gaisma dziest
Now doors are closed and light is going out
Un priekškars krīt bez steigas
And curtain is falling without a rush
Vairs nebūs tâ, kâ rīt var būt
It won't be like this anymore, as it can be tomorrow
Ir gaidu spēlei beigas
The end has come for the waiting game.