Translation of the song Vēlu rudenī artist Autobuss debesīs


Vēlu rudenī

English translation

Late in the autumn

Vēlu rudenī un agrā pavasarī

Late in the autumn and in the early spring

Man dara pāri, dzīve dara pāri.

It hurts me, life hurts me.

Un zāle dīgstošā un puķes arī

And sprouting grass and flowers too

Man dara pāri, ziedēdamas pāri.

Hurts me, blooming over.

Cik ilgi tā?

How long it will be like that?

Cik ilgi tā?

How long it will be like that?

Es nezinu, kam prasu.

I don't know to whom I ask.

Cik ilgi tā?

How long it will be like that?

Cik ilgi tā?

How long it will be like that?

Es nezinu, kam prasu.

I don't know to whom I ask.

Es nezinu, kam prasu.

I don't know to whom I ask.

Es nezinu...

I don't know...

Cik ilgi tā, es nezinu, kam prasu,

How long it will be like that, I don't know to whom I ask,

Tu esi maza vēl, es arī esmu mazs.

You're still little, I'm little too.

Mēs rokās sadevušies staigājam pa staru;

Holding hands we walk on the beam;

Man sāp, visvairāk sāp,

I'm hurting, hurting the most,

Man sāp, visvairāk sāp.

I'm hurting, hurting the most.

Man sāp...

I'm hurting...

Es klusēju

I remain silent

Un tikai, tikai kad tu aizmiedz

And just, just when you fall asleep

Es saku asarai:

I tell to tear:

Ej, pielūdz manu zvaigzni.

Go, worship my star.

Ej, pielūdz, pielūdz manu zvaigzni.

Go, worship, worship my star.

Cik ilgi tā, es nezinu, kam prasu,

How long it will be like that, I don't know to whom I ask,

Tu esi maza vēl, es arī esmu mazs.

You're still little, I'm little too.

Mēs rokās sadevušies staigājam pa staru;

Holding hands we walk on the beam;

Man sāp, visvairāk sāp,

I'm hurting, hurting the most,

Man sāp, visvairāk sāp,

I'm hurting, hurting the most,

Kad es tev pāri daru.

When I'm hurting you.

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