- Tu nelieto mani! - sacīja viņa.
- Don’t you dare to use me! - she said
- Es neesmu tāda!
- I'm not like that!
Un aizcirta durvis, lai ietu,
And she slammed the door to go
kur deguns rāda.
To wander around.
Dzīvoklī sapņi palika gaisā
In apartment dreams stayed in the air
un smarža no viņas,
And her smell,
pa atvērto logu atnesa vējš
Through the open window wind brought
(radio ziņas:)
(Radio news:)
par valdības maiņu,
about the change of government,
terora aktiem
about the terrorist attacks
un ozona slāni,
and the ozone layer,
par to, ka pensiju sakarā
About how plans related to pensions
grozīti plāni,
Have been changed,
par etnisko naidu,
about the ethnic hatred
terora aktiem
about the terrorist attacks
un kājnieku mīnām,
and infantry mines,
par narkotranzītu zemūdenēs
About the drug trafficking in submarines
un lidmašīnās,
and planes,
- Tu nelieto mani! - sacīja viņa.
- You don't use me! - she said
- Es neesmu tāda!
- I'm not like that!
Un aizcirta durvis, lai ietu,
And slammed the door, to go,
kur deguns rāda.
To wander around.
(radio ziņas:)
(radio news:)
par kariem, El Nino un grēku
about wars, El Nino and sin
(Eiropā arī)
(In Europe too)
par pastaro dienu,
About the doomsday
kura būs klāt,
Which will be here
visticamāk, parīt.
most likely the day after tomorrow
... par pastaro dienu,
...about the doomsday,
kura būs klāt,
Which will be here
visticamāk, parīt.
most likely the day after tomorrow
Viņš neiet pie loga,
He doesn't go to the window,
neaizver acis ciet
doesn’t close his eyes
(vismaz pret odiem),
(at least against mosquitoes).
pastarā diena, vismaz viņam,
Doomsday, at least for him,
ir sākusies šodien.
has begun today.
... pastarā diena, vismaz viņam,
...doomsday, at least for him,
ir sākusies šodien.
has begun today.