Translation of the song Viņas soļi ir debesīs artist Autobuss debesīs
Viņas soļi ir debesīs
Her steps are in heaven
Viņa gāja gar jūras malu
She walked along the seashore
Un viņas soļi ir debesīs.
And her steps are in heaven.
Skaista, slaida un gandrīz kaila,
Beautiful, slim and almost naked,
Un viņas soļi ir debesīs.
And her steps are in heaven.
Vēl daudz, ko jautāt, ko mulst,
There's so much to ask, to be confused about,
Vai sirds mana joko vai skumst?
Is my heart joking or grieving?
Vai viņa aizejot sapratīs?
Will she understand when she leaves?
Es aizeju, es aizeju,
I walk away, I walk away
Bet zinu, ka sapratīs.
But I know she'll understand
Viņa sapratīs.
She will understand.
Krīt zvaigzne balta, tik koša, bet salta -
White star is falling, so bright, but frosty -
Vai prātu man neprātā atnesīs?
Will it bring mind to me in madness?
Liegi, mīļi, tâ kâ bēguma viļņi -
Softly, lovely like low tide waves -
Tâ viņas soļi ir debesīs.
So her steps are in heaven.
Vēl daudz, ko jautāt, daudz mulst,
There's so much to ask, to be confused about,
Vai sirds mana joko vai skumst?
Is my heart joking or grieving?
Vai viņa aizejot sapratīs?
Will she understand when she leaves?
Es aizeju, es aizeju,
I walk away, I walk away
Bet zinu, ka sapratīs.
But I know she'll understand
Viņa sapratīs.
She will understand.