Translation of the song Boogie českýho šífaře artist Kabát
Boogie českýho šífaře
Boggie of Czech sailor
Vlna za vlnou mě houpá
Wave behind wave are waving with me
rackové pitomí řvou
Dumb seagulls are screaming
v lednici jenom zmrzlý ryby
Frozen fish (are) in the fridge
ty už mi nejedou
I don‘t want eat them (frozen fish) (I’m over-eated of them)
Pekáče v dálce zpívaj
Pans are singing in long distance
tu píseň převeselou
that happy song
kormidlo, moře, nic nevidim
Rudder, sea, I don’t see nothing (I see only sea horizont)
jedu jen za tebou Rózy !
I’m on way to you, Rose!
Žraloci záviděj
Sharks envies
pilouni pilujou svůj styl
Sawfish are sawing (in Czech it also means train, to be better in sth.) their style
u sta sleďů to se zpívá
Hunderds of herrings are singing
žraloci záviděj
Sharks envies
pro knedlik se zelim bych žil
for dumpling with cabbage (Czech meal) I would live
vepřový boogie doušek piva
Pork boggie, cup of beer
Voda do škuneru stoupá
Water is rising into Schooner (type of boat)
lodníci povykujou
Sailors fussing (about rising water)
kde je ten maják, co tam houkal
Where is that lighthouse which was hooting there (makes sound)
fistulí nechutnou
With horrible whistle tone (High pitch tone)
kdo by si kolize všímal
Who (from the sailors) have to watch the collisions
ty moje milovaná
You, my love
záchranej člun je taky príma
Lifeboat is also good
já jedu za tebou Rózy !
I go for you, Rose!
Žraloci záviděj
Sharks envies
pilouni pilujou svůj styl
Sawfish are sawing (in Czech it also means train, to be better in sth.) their style
u sta sleďů to se zpívá
Hunderds of herrings are singing
žraloci záviděj
Sharks envies
pro knedlik se zelim bych žil
for dumpling with cabbage (Czech meal) I would live
vepřový boogie doušek piva
Pork boggie, cup of beer
Vlna za vlnou mě houpá,
Wawe behind wave is waving with me
rackové pitomí řvou
Dumb seagulls are screaming
Já budu rychlejší než světlo,
I’ll be faster than light,
než zvuky pod vodou
(faster) than sounds under water
Pevnina z moře už čouhá
Land is visible from sea
voči mi štěstím planou
My eyes are ____(I don’t know synonym for this word. It means Hopeful eyes, when you see somebody after long time or with heavy injuries and he is alive)
posádka šíleně křičí
Crew is insanely screaming
máme to za sebou Rózy !
We have hard way behind us, Rose ( = We are again together, past is away)
Jó Rózy !
Yeah, Rose!
Žraloci záviděj
Sharks envies
pilouni pilujou svůj styl
Sawfish are sawing (in Czech it also means train, to be better in sth.) their style
u sta sleďů to se zpívá
Hunderds of herrings are singing
žraloci záviděj
Sharks envies
pro knedlik se zelim bych žil
for dumpling with cabbage (Czech meal) I would live
vepřový boogie doušek piva
Pork boggie, cup of beer