Translation of the song Centryfuga artist Kabát
Centrifuge ride
Člověk se hezky ráno nasnídá
The man has a good breakfast at morning
ze šichty domů a pak usíná
from workshift to home and then falling asleep
a tak to chodí každej den
and so it goes that way every day
K tomu si vezme ženu za ženu
At the same time he marry a woman for a wife
Margitu, Stáňu nebo Boženu
Margita, Stáňa or Božena
a ta mu zakáže jít ven
and she will forbid him to go out
V hospodě s chlapama se pohádá
He has a fight with guys in pub
jakej to bejval borec zamlada
about what a man he was in his young
ví, že je pravdy na tom půl
he knows, there's half of truth about it
Ke stáru začne chodit na ryby
In his old age he'll start going fishing
co kdyby braly, no tak co kdyby
what if they bite, what if they would
a tam sedí jako vůl.
and so he's sitting there as an idiot
Život mu zdrhá někam, říká si na co čekám...
Life escapes him to somewhere, he's wondering what is he waiting for...
Hrajeme karty s osudem
We're playing cards with destiny
co bude až tu nebudem
what happens when we won't be
Dám na to krk, tak věřte mi
I'll bet to it, so believe me
člověk se nikdy nezmění
human never changes
Od starý vyfasuje bačkory
He'll get slippers from his wife
bačkory přimontuje na nohy
fix slippers to his feet
a de se čumět do bedny
and lets stare on telly
Večer si odbude svý a de spát
He gets his duty over with in the evening and goes sleep
nejvíc pět minut, proč se namáhat
no more than 5 minutes, why try hard
a tak mu běžej jeho dny
and so that's how his days go by
A kolotoč se točí, už asi neseskočí...
And the carousel is turning around, he won't propably jump down
Hrajeme karty s osudem
We're playing cards with destiny
co bude až tu nebudem
what happens when we won't be
Dám na to krk, tak věřte mi
I'll bet to it, so believe me
člověk se nikdy nezmění
human never changes
Řekni mi, když se ráno probudíš
Tell me iwhen you wake up in the morning
jestli se tady trochu nenudíš
if you are not bored in a sort of way
jestli chceš tady dopadnout.
if you don't want to end like this
Nejsi tu věčně, tak si užívej
You aren't here for eternity, so enjoy
a kolem sebe se moc nedívej
and don't look too much around
seber se a zkus vypadnout.
get up and try to get out.
Život ti zdrhá někam, říkáš si, na co čekám...
Life escapes you to somewhere, you're wondering what are you waiting for...
Hrajeme karty s osudem
We're playing cards with destiny
co bude až tu nebudem
what happens when we won't be
Dám na to krk, tak věřte mi
I'll bet to it, so believe me
člověk se nikdy nezmění
human never changes