Translation of the song Čert na koze jel artist Kabát
Čert na koze jel
The devil was riding a goat
Tenkrát bylo veselo a dost málo se brečelo
There were fun in those days and there were less crying
kdo nás znal, ten se smál prstem si klepal na čelo
who knew us laughing and knocking on own forehead
Život běžel po zpátku a všechno bylo v pořádku
Life was running back and everything was okay
holky se nebály a já je kousal do zadku
girls were not afraid and I bit them into bottom
To čert na koze jel a táta režnou popíjel
Then the devil was riding a goat and dad was drinking režná*
to čert na koze jel bejky pěstí zabíjel
then the devil was riding a goat killing bulls with his fist
to čert na koze jel my honili sme mamuti
then the devil was riding a goat we hunted mammoths
to čert na koze jel a já byl ještě při chuti
then the devil was riding a goat and I was felt like doing
To tenkrát slovo platilo a za lhaní se mlátilo
The word was valid in those days and there were beating for lying
do hlavy kamenem to špatně se nám nežilo
to the haed with stone then we lived well
My pro samou legraci sme neměli čas na práci
We didn't have time for working cause all of fun
a pro ty nezvaný tu stály mosty padací
and there were drawbridges for uninvited
Rada starších sedící když nebylo co na lžíci
When we had nothing on the spoon council of elders
dostali do řepy my hnali sme je palicí
got thrashing we chased them with sledgehammer
Tak proto nám to klapalo že na kecy se nedalo
That's why it worked because we didin't assign importance to piffles
krávy pivo dávaly a prase v chlívě větralo
The cows gave beer and a pigventilated in the shed