Translation of the song Ďábel a syn artist Kabát


Ďábel a syn

English translation

The devil and a son

Sedim a koukám, jak zvrácenej podzim,

I'm sitting and watching the twisted autumn

stromům svlíká jejich šat.

take the trees' clothes off.

Poslouchám ptáky a jenom tak kouřim,

I'm listening to birds and just smoking,

a malinko chce se mi spát.

and I want to sleep a little biit.

Padá mi hlava pak cejtim jak někdo,

My head is falling and then I feel someone

lehce mě za ruku vzal.

slowly taking my hand.

Blázen či voják, jak maškara divná

A madman or a soldier, he stood there

tam stál, já pozval ho dál.

like a weird mummery, I invited him in.

Měl špinavej kabát a v ruce flétnu

He was wearing a dirty coat and had a flute in his hand

oči jak z mrtvejch by vstal

his eyes looked as if he rose from the dead

na botách bahno snad celýho světa

on his shoes there was sludge perhaps from all over the world

tuhle tu píseň mi hrál

he played me this song.

Tu píseň co zpívám a vůbec vám nevim,

The song I'm singing and I have no idea

kde na ní akordy vzal.

where he got the accords for it.

Jak sem tam seděl a koukal a kouřil,

As I was sitting, watching and smoking

to já, teprv ji psal.

I was just composing it.

Povídá - hochu, vracím se z flámu,

He says - son, I'm coming back from a party,

hráli sme karty se zdá.

it seems we played cards.

Partii pokra o budoucí vládu,

A game of poker to decide who reigns in the future,

dík Bohu vyhrál jsem já.

thanks God, I won.

Já měl z pekla štěstí a nebo pár trumfů,

I was lucky or a few trumps,

v rukávu, podvod – já vim.

in the sleeve, a fraud - I know.

Chcete mě soudit, tak dejte mě na kříž,

You want to judge me, so put me on a cross,

jsem váš - Ďábel a syn.

I'm yours - the devil and a son.

Pak pomalu mluvil a ničil mě silou,

Then he spoke slowly and was destroying me by his power,

co od věků v sobě už má.

which he has in him for ages.

Drtil mě pravdou a pouštěl mi žilou,

He was crushing me by truth and bleeding me,

a na závěr jen povídá:

and in the end, he says:

Bůh stvořil lásku a žal taky bolest,

God created love and grief, pain as well,

a já jenom ubohej chtíč.

And I created only lust.

Fandim vám lidem, nevim proč nemáš mě rád -

I support you people, I don't know why you don't like me,

já poslal ho pryč.

I sent him away.

Sedim a koukám jak zvrácenej podzim,

I'm sitting and watching the twisted autumn

stromům svlíká jejich šat.

take the trees' clothes off.

Přemejšlim co s náma bude,

I'm wondering what will happen to us,

a malinko chce se mi spát.

and I want to sleep a little bit.

Padá mi hlava pak cejtim jak někdo,

My head is falling and then I feel someone

lehce mě za ruku vzal.

slowly taking my hand.

Blázen či voják, jak maškara divná

A madman or a soldier, he stood there

tam stál, tak pozvem ho dál.

like a weird mummery, let's invite him in.

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