Translation of the song Do Bolívie na banány artist Kabát
Do Bolívie na banány
To Bolivia For Bananas
Dali mi ochutnat vína a novej třpytivej šat
They gave me some wine to taste it and glittery clothes
Řekli mi „Tudy cesta vede, není jiná.“
They said: The road leads this way, there is no other one.
A jaký akordy hrát
And what chords to play
A já ty šaty vzal a zahodil
And I took that clothes and threw them away
Chci umřít nahej jak jsem se narodil
I want to die naked, just like I was born
Hodim si korunou a jestli padne to
I'm gonna toss the coin and if it will fall
Letíme za duhou rezavou raketou
We'll fly to the rainbow with rusty rocket
Do Bolívie na banány
To Bolivia for bananas
Tak trochu zatancovat s indiány
To dance a little bit with Indians
Kolem se válej žoky plný koky
There are bags full of coca laying around
Ale to zůstane jen mezi námi
But it will stay only between us
Doperu prádlo a chvátám
I'll wash the clothes and rush
Do Peru na karneval
To the carnival in Peru
A tam se poperu v hospodě po rumu z Peru
And there I'll fight in the pub because of the Peru's rum
Abych se trochu adaptoval
To adapt a little bit
Tu špetku koření balenou v papíru
That pinch of seasoning, wrapped in paper
Smoteme, dáme si jako dýmku míru
We'll roll it, smoke it like a peace pipe
A jenom pro Tebe zachránim pralesy
And only because of you, I'll save the rainforests
Na dobrou náladu vem flašku Hennessy
Bring a bottle of Hennessy for a good mood
Do Bolívie na banány
To Bolivia for bananas
Tak trochu zatancovat s indiány
To dance a little bit with Indians
Kolem se válej žoky plný koky
There are bags full of coca laying around
Ale to zůstane jen mezi námi
But it will stay only between us
Na cestě potkáme papeže na koni
On our way we'll meet the Pope on a horse
Sněhuláky v sauně, hrušky na jabloni
Snowmen in sauna, pears on apple tree
Jedeme lisovat dobroty z kaktusu
Let's go to press cactus and make some delicacy
Umíme cestovat, hlavy na ubrusu
We can travel, heads on the tablecloth
Do Bolívie na banány
To Bolivia for bananas
Tak trochu zatancovat s indiány
To dance a little bit with Indians
Kolem se válej žoky plný koky
There are bags full of coca laying around
Ale to zůstane jen mezi námi
But it will stay only between us
Do Bolívie na banány
To Bolivia for bananas
Tak trochu zatancovat s indiány
To dance a little bit with Indians
Kolem se válej žoky plný koky
There are bags full of coca laying around
Ale to zůstane jen mezi námi
But it will stay only between us