Translation of the song Kdo si nechce hubu spálit artist Kabát
Kdo si nechce hubu spálit
Who doesn't want to burn his mouth
Rostou nám tak jako houby po dešti
They grow like mushrooms after rain
koženej úsměv, támhle jdou
strained smile, there they go
a cizí zadky přeleští,
and polish other's asses
potom se dlouho klaní
and after that they bow long time
dobře ví, že se to vyplácí
they know well that it is worth
zvládnou dva nebo tři na počkání
they make two or three in little time
Kdo si nechce hubu spálit
Who doesn't want to burn his mouth
Stará pravda zní to každej ví
Old true is and everyone knows
Musí mlčet a nebo chválit
he has to be quiet or praise
kdo to nechápe ten si za to může sám
who doesn't understand it, it's his own fault
Kolikrát dostanu ještě do zubů,
How many times will i be punched in my teeth
než mi to dojde, co já vim
before i will understand, i have no idea
diplomat niky nebudu,
i will never be diplomat
občas to vážně schytám
sometimes i'm really in for it
koupil jsem tak, jako prodávám
i sell it as i bought it
nelžu vám a tak v tom pořád lítám.
i don't lie to you and that's why i'm still for it
Kdo si nechce hubu spálit
Who doesn't want to burn his mouth
Stará pravda zní to každej ví
Old true is and everyone knows
Musí mlčet a nebo chválit
he has to be quiet or praise
kdo to nechápe ten si za to může sám
who doesn't understand it, it's his own fault
Jednou nám to bůžek pravdy spočítá
Once God of truth will count it for us
a naše hříchy pozemský
and put our earthly sins
do pytle dá a zamíchá
in bag and mix them
- nastane dlouhý ticho
- there will be long silence