Translation of the song Krutý krtek Joy artist Kabát
Krutý krtek Joy
Cruel Mole Joy
A když nemám co na práci
And when I have nothing to do
tak pozoruju krtky
so I'm watching moles
jak marně čas utrácí
how they're wasting time in vain
když dělaj ty svý hrudky
when they're making their clods
Mám vody plnou konvici
I have can full of water
tou zmařím jejich píli
I'll dash their diligence with it
už se těšim za chvíli
I'm looking forward to that moment
jak krtkům dojdou síly
how they're loosing strength
Ale oni plavou
But they are swimming
s nakloněnou hlavou
with their heads inclined
prsa nebo znak
breaststroke or backstroke
ano je to tak
yes this is so
Ale oni plavou
But they are swimming
s nakloněnou hlavou
with their heads inclined
prsa nebo znak
breaststroke or backstroke
ano je to tak
yes this is so
Posekej celou zahradu
Scythe whole garden
a všechno luční kvítí
and all meadow flowers
to se potom černej krtek
then the black mole
mnohem lépe chytí
will be captured more easily
Najdi správnou díru
FInd the right hole
do který se voda leje
to pour the water in
jestli to nezabere
if this isn't work
vim co se ti tam děje
I know what is going on there
Oni ti tam plavou
They are swimming
s nakloněnou hlavou
with their heads inclined
prsa nebo znak
breaststroke or backstroke
ano je to tak
yes this is so
Ale oni plavou
They are swimming
s nakloněnou hlavou
with their heads inclined
prsa nebo znak
breaststroke or backstroke
ano je to tak
yes this is so