Translation of the song Moje holka je Batman artist Kabát
Moje holka je Batman
My Girlfriend is Batman
Vypadala jak Batman a já jí pusu dal
She looked like Batman and I kissed her
bylo to v noci ve tmě, ve dne bych se bál
It was at night in the dark, I'd be afraid to during the day
Já s ní hraju poker, piju bols a gin
I play poker with her, drink Bols and gin
a když se začnem nudit, tak pouštíme si plyn, chacha
And if we get bored, we turn on the gas, hehe
Je prostě trochu jiná, taková kožená
She's simply a bit different, a bit leather-like
a velmi špatně splývá, když je svlečená.
And very bad at blending in, once she's naked
Tenkrát, co já jí potkal, to hráli zrovna swing
That time when I first met her, swing was playing
vyzval jsem jí k tanci a koupil prima drink
I asked her for a dance and bought her a great drink
A když si ta duše čistá ťukla a připila
And once that pure soul clinked glasses and toasted
tak jedna věc je jistá, lepší tam nebyla
One thing was clear, there was no better one there
Já sem ji vzal a tančil skoro tak jako blázen
I took her and danced almost like a madman
pak sem stepoval, neuměl to a spadnul na zem
Then I danced Step, didn't know how to and fell to the ground
Já jsem jí vzal a tančil skoro tak jako blázen
I took her and danced almost like a madman
pak sem stepoval, neuměl to a spadnul na zem
Then I danced Step, didn't know how to and fell to the ground
Stepujeme spolu, stepujem sem a tam
We dance Step together, step-dancing here and there
nahoru a dolu, už se v tom nevyznám
Up and down and I'm getting lost
Jak nám ty nohy jedou, vydávaj bezva zvuk
The way our feet move, they make an awesome sound
snad vás to baví, možná je vám to fuk
Hopefully you like it and maybe you just don't care
Jedna věc je jistá, tancovat umí dost
One thing is clear, she sure knows how to dance
a dělá to jen pro mě, pro mě a pro radost
And she's doing it just for me, for me and for pleasure
Já sem ji vzal a tančil skoro tak jako blázen
I took her and danced almost like a madman
pak sem stepoval, neuměl to a spadnul na zem
Then I danced Step, didn't know how to and fell to the ground
Já jsem jí vzal a tančil skoro tak jako blázen
I took her and danced almost like a madman
pak sem stepoval, neuměl to a spadnul na zem
Then I danced Step, didn't know how to and fell to the ground
To když si dá lajnu, tak jede celou noc
Once she does a few lines, she goes the whole night
je ukrutně krásná, ale né zas tak moc
She's terribly beautiful, but not really that much
Frčíme si rovně, připravit, pozor start
We're making our way straight, get ready, set and go!
a až tam budem všichni, tak vyhodíme kvalt
And once we're all there, we'll ease up on the gas