Translation of the song Nimrod Fábera artist Kabát
Nimrod Fábera
Hunter Fábera
Lojza je dobrej chlap
Lojza is a good man
kterej má svou ženu rád.
Who loves his wife
Ona prachama je posedlá
She is obsessed with money
Lojza musí pracovat.
Lojza must work
Saze do očí jdou
Soots go into eyes
žene mašinu svou
He drives his machine
a doufá, že ho čeká.
And he hopes that she awaits him.
Jenže nimrod Fábera
But hunter Fábera
v hlavě nosí jízdní řád.
Has timetable in his head
Lautr nic si nedělá
He doesn't worry about
z toho, že má metr šedesát.
That fact he's only 1,6m tall
Lojza na cestách
Lojza is travelling
ona je v posteli
She's in the bed
krvavej příběh začíná.
And bloody tale begins
Byl vám únor druhej den
It was February the 2nd day
zima až to zabolí.
It was cold as it hurts
Lojza měl dlouhej tejden
Lojza has long workweek
jenže zamrzlo mu soukolí.
But the gears has frozen up
Vrací se domů tmou
He's returning home in the dark
najde tam ženu svou
He'll find his wife there
a nimrod Fábera se na ni zmítá.
And the hunter Fábera convulse on her.
Lojza stojí ve dveřích
Lojza stands on the door
v ruce hasák v očích běs.
Pipe wrench in his hand
Jednou, dvakrát udeří
He'll hit once or twice
vražda, hrůza, smrt a děs.
Murder, horror, death and dread
Ženu daj do rance
They put the wife into the bundle
zajdou si na pivo
They'll go for a beer
a nebo na kance s Fáberou.
Or for a boar with Fábera