Translation of the song Pašík artist Kabát
Krev, samá krev, střeva lítaj vzduchem,
Blood, blood everywhere, intestines are flying through the air
Krev, samá krev, kosti lítaj vzduchem,
Blood, blood everywhere, bones are flying through the air
Krev, samá krev, chlupy lítaj vzduchem
Blood, blood everywhere, hair are flying through the air
Zabili jsme pašíka, zabili a budou jitrnice,
We´ve killed a pig, we´ve killed and there will be sausage-meat
zabili jsme pašíka, zabili a budou jelita
We´ve killed a pig, we´ve killed and there will be a blood sausage (i don´t know how to translate it, it might be a ’black pudding’)
Bude taky prýt, chudák moh eště žít
There will be a black pudding, poor pig, it could be alive now
a pro blbý jitrnice dostal ránu do palice
And it got hit in the head just because of stupid sausage-meat