Translation of the song Přátelé stárnou artist Kabát
Přátelé stárnou
Friends get older
To bejvaly doby
What years it were!
ten čas je na nás znát
One can see those years at us,
když chodili jsme s partou
when we were going with gang
po tmavejch sklepích hrát
playing in dark cellars
To byla doba začátků
It was era of beginnings,
každej z nás by dal
everyone of us would give
svoje srdce do banku
Their own heart to the banks*
za tóny, který hrál
for the sounds they played
Z našich velkejch plánů
From our big plans
pak zbyl už jenom dým
Remained just smoke
a než se někdo nadál,
and until someone presupposed,
tak jsme byli v zelenym
we were in green
Dva roky byly dlouhý
Two years were long
rozdělily nás,
They splited us,
teď už je vzal čert
now devil took them
a my hrajeme zas
and we play again
Přátelé stárnou,
Friends get older,
je to tím jak léta jdou
it's because the years are going by
Přátelé stárnou,
Friends get older,
je to tím jak léta jdou
it's because the years are going by
To bejvaly doby,
What years it were!
ten čas je na nás znát
One can see those years at us,
když nám táhlo na patnáct
When we were almost fifteen,
já bych to nebral zas
I wouldn't like to be in those times again
To co vám dneska zahrajem
That, what I'm playing for you today
nemusíte znát,
you don't have to know
my tvrdou hudbu milujem
we love heavy music
a nechcem se jí vzdát
and we don't want to give up for it