Translation of the song Rohypnol po tetě artist Kabát


Rohypnol po tetě

English translation

Rohypnol after aunt

Strejda, ten léta chlastal leteckej benzín rád,

Uncle, he tippled aerial benzine gladly many years,

teta nemohla dospat, Rohypnol začla brát

aunt couldn't sleep over, she started to use Rohypnol

Děda byl votrávenej co sem ho znal, co žil

Granddad was poisoned when I used to know him, when he lived

strašně rád hledal houby, jenomže slepej byl

He really liked finding mushrooms, but he was blind

Strejda dost prudkej chlap, holt někdy vyletěl

Uncle (is) pretty sudden man, thus he sometimes soared

nad lesy, nad domy, lítal si kam si chtěl.

over woods, over houses, he flied where he wanted.

A tak sme takhle spolu, dost nás to bavilo,

And so we are together in this way, we really enjoyed it,

v neděli nebo jindy letěli na pivo

on Sunday or another time (we) flied for beer

Když jsme si potom sedli a bouchli do stolu,

When we after that sit and slamed to table,

nebyl to pro nás problém vybílit hospodu.

it wasn't any trouble for us to rob the pub

Stačilo štětku vzít, barvu, kýbl, vodu,

It was enough to take brush, color, stoup, water

chodit si na štaflích, máš bílou hospodu

Walk on ladder, you have white* pub

Dej si ještě kus

Give yourself a piece yet

a ty hospodskej nalejvej

and you, barman, pour out

no tak to zkus

so just try it

nic moudrýho v tom nehledej

Don't look for anything wise in that

Strejda, ten léta chlastal leteckej benzín rád,

Uncle, he tippled aerial benzine gladly many years,

teta nemohla dospat, Rohypnol začla brát.

aunt couldn't sleep over, she started to use Rohypnol

To už sem vlastně zpíval, to ste mi měli říct,

In that times I already sang, you should tell me that

je vidět za ty léta nemám už v hlavě nic.

you can see after that years I have nothing in my head

Jak se tak flákáme se strejdou po světě,

When we are just hanging out with uncle around the world

baštíme Rohypnol co zbyl nám po tetě.

We eat Rohypnol what is left after aunt

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