Translation of the song Rozbitou artist Kabát
Neměl nic a všechno dal,
He had nothing and gave everything,
nebyl hlupák nebyl snob
He wasn't stupid, he wasn't a snob.
a někdy šlapal dlouhý cesty
And sometimes he traveled many roads on foot,
a když nemoh řek si stop
and when he couldn't go any further, he told himself to stop
...jsi hlava,
... you are a head
nebylo mu nikdy dobře,
He never felt good
když měl nad hlavou strop.
When he had a ceiling over his head.
Šel dál, šel dál
He went on, he went on
Znal jen 4 roční doby,
He knew only that there were 4 seasons in a year,
zimy byly hladový
In winter he was hungry.
šaty, boty nosil jedny,
He wore the only change of clothing and shoes he owned,
nikdy neměl na nový
He never had enough money for new ones.
...jsi hlava, are a head
Občas neměl kde by přespal,
Sometimes he didn't have a place to sleep.
přesto nevzdal cesty svý
In spite of that, he never gave up on his way.
Rozbitou cestou šel, neuhnul, boty dřely tak je zul
He took a broken road, he didn't stray off it, and when his shoes wore out, he took them off.
Nežil proto aby dělal to
He didn't live to do what he
co se mu nelíbí
didn't like,
a nebylo co by mu vzali,
And there was nothing that they could take away from him,
to mu každej závidí
that's what everyone envied about him.