Translation of the song S čerty tancoval artist Kabát
S čerty tancoval
He was dancing with devils
Na pohled člověk
Good looking person
a každej si oddych
And everyone relieved
když k odchodu se zved
When he stood up to leave
a šel pryč.
And went away
V sobě nosil zrůdu akorát náhodou,
He wore a beast in himself just in that while
když ruku v ruce šel životem se zradou
When he was living hand in hand with betrayal
Pánem světa toužil se stát
He wished to become the Lord of the world
všechno ví a dávno zná
He knows everything and knows long ago
S čerty tancoval.
He was dancing with devils
když měl svůj den
When he had his day
S čerty tancoval,
He was dancing with devils
když měl svůj den
When he had his day
Bolesti se smál a nenáviděl cit,
He was laughing at pain and hated feelings
svěcenou vodou chtěl od krve ruce si mýt
He wanted to wash his hands from the blood with holy water
Pánem nebyl jen s peklem si hrál,
He hasn't been Lord, he was just playing with hell
duši ztratil dál se smál
He lost the soul, he laughed on