Translation of the song Sedlák artist Kabát



English translation


Sedlák šel po poli

Peasant was walking across the field

Vyvenčit dva voly

to walk 2 oxes

Vidle má a čepici

He has a pitchfork and a hat, too

Na zrzavý palici

on ginger pole

Jó hej

Yeah hey

Zpívá si pořád jenom hej

He is just singing hey

Zpívá si hej

He is singing hey

Já nejsem módou zkaženej

I am not spoilt by fashion

Voli se splašili

Oxes have scared up

Sedláka zabili

Killed the peasant

Selka ruce meje si

Peasant1 is rubbing2 her hands

A vůbec není v depresi

And isn't in depression at all

Jó hej

Yeah hey

tak sedlák ten už je tuhej

so the peasant is already dead

Je tuhej, selce samotný je tuhej

Is dead, he is free3 for the peasant

Našla si novýho,

She has found the new one

hezkýho, mladýho

handsome, young

Ten však doma naříká

But he cries at home

A tak na pole pospíchá

So he hurries to the field

Jó hej,

Yeah hey,

proč já nezůstal svobodnej

Why didn't I stay single



kurva jak mně mohlo bejt hej

fuck, I would feel so good, hey

A tak de po poli,

And so he walks across the field

vyvenčit dva voly

to walk 2 oxes

Voli se splašili

Oxes have scared up

sedláka zabili,

Killed the peasant

selka má novýho,

The peasant has the new one

hezkýho, mladýho

handsome, young

Taky doma naříká,

But he cries at home

tak na pole pospíchá

So he hurries to the field

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