Translation of the song Shořel náš dům artist Kabát


Shořel náš dům

English translation

Our house burned up

Shoří náš dům, mě hoděj psům

Our house will burn up, they will throw me for dogs

A tělo mý.Nebudu hrát, na to se mám docel rád

And my body. I won't play, for it I like myself quite much

Já v jistý době koupil sobě trubku lacinou

I bought for me cheap bugle

hrál jsem na ní ve dne v noci s velkou rutinou.

I played on it during day, night with big rutine

Tvoje máma nesnáší ten uječenej tón

Your mun hates that screamy sound

zburcovala celou ves, támhle to je von.

She whiped up whole village, there is it out.

Shoří náš dům, mě hoděj psům

Our house will burn up, they will throw me for dogs

A tělo mý pět sáhů pod zem zahrabou

And my body bury five meters under ground

Nebudu hrát, na to se mám docel rád

I won't play, for it I like myself quite much

Nechci bejt rybí potravou

I don't feel like being feed for fish

V restauraci Pod lipou se hraje mariáš

In restauration Under Linden is playing marriage*

jen vytáhnu prachy, zařvou chlape, ty jsi náš.

just they pull out money, they shout: man!, you are our.

Auto, boty, kalhoty, mně nezůstalo nic

Car, shoes, trousers, there's nothing what's resting me

do Talonic k nám dorazil Silvestr Stalonic

to Talonice came for us Silvester Stalonic

Shoří náš dům, mě hoděj psům

Our house will burn up, they will throw me for dogs

A tělo mý pět sáhů pod zem zahrabou

And my body bury five meters under ground

Nebudu hrát, na to se mám docel rád

I won't play, for it I like myself quite much

Nechci bejt rybí potravou

I don't feel like being feed for fish

Já ve finále k ochotníkům do theátru šel

I went to theatre to amateurs** in finals

ochotný jsou dost, jenom že pijou bohužel.

they are quite obliging, I just unfortunately drink

Urazil jsem klauna, hnali mě jak hejno vos

I insulted clown, they were chasing me like lots of wasps

zbyla po nich jizva a červenej nos.

After that remained scar and red nose

Shoří náš dům

Our house will burn up

To mě to zabolí

It will hurt me

Já musel chrápat na poli

I had to snore on field

Tlačí vás do zad brambory

Potatoes push you on ass

Tam už jde o zdraví

There's important health

Nebudu hrát

I won't play

To teda nebudu

I really won't

Mám tisíc dobrejch důvodů

I have thousand good reasons

Nechám to svýmu osudu

I'll let it for my destiny

Hlavně né do hlavy.

Mainly not to the head

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